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Q: What part of speech is the word today in the question Is mom working at Uncle George's store today?
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How do you transform the direct speech into question?

To transform direct speech into a question, you can invert the word order and add a question mark at the end. For example, changing "He said, 'Are you coming?'" into a question would be "Did he ask, 'Are you coming?'"

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What part of speech is the word uncle?

The word uncle is a singular noun. The plural term is uncles.

What of speech is uncle?

it would be a noun because it is a person

What is the part of speech the name uncle sam?

Proper noun.

What is a testimonial speech?

A testimonial speech is a public address given by someone to express their endorsement or approval of a person, product, service, or organization. It typically includes personal experiences and perspectives to support the promotion or recommendation of the subject matter.

Which of these sentence segments does not contain a capitalization error is mom working at uncle george's store today?

Uncle George's

Does my uncle sponsor my educational expenses in US?

That is a question you should ask your uncle to receive an answer.

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Working for his uncle

What is Penelope cruz's uncle's name?

It's a trick question because they mean how would Penelope refer to her 'uncle'. The answer is 'TIO', which is uncle in spanish.

What is Penelope Cruz' uncle's name?

It's a trick question because they mean how would Penelope refer to her 'uncle'. The answer is 'TIO', which is uncle in spanish.

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