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It occurs from the stomach through the small intestine.

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Q: What part of the Digestive system does chemical digestion takes place?
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Where does the chemical digestion system take place in the digestive system?

It takes place in the small intestine.

What are the major body parts of chemical digestion?

the major part of the chemical digestion is the HCL (hydro chloric acid)

Was is mechanical digestion?

The very minute food enters the mouth it goes through the digestion process. There are 2 digestive system function processes that take place in our body. These 2 processes are the mechanical digestion and the chemical digestion.

What is the main system of the digestive system?

Small intestines is the organ where most of the digestion takes place.

Does chemical digestion take place in the liver?

Chemical digestion does not take place in the liver, rather, the liver secretes digestive liquids into the small intestine. The actual digestion takes place in the small intestine.

Where in the body does chemical digestion take place and they are controlled by?

Chemical digestion occurs through out the digestive tract with the possible exception of the esophagus. It is regulated by enzymes that help speed it up.

What happens in the other part of the digestive tract that doesnt do digestion?

All parts of the digestive system take part in digestion, except perhaps your oesophagus. Oesophagus is anatomical need of the body and there also the digestion of sugar takes place.

Where does chemical and mechanical digestion take place?

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What are three places that chemical digestion take place in?

Were does chemical digestion take place

Where the first chemical digestion takes place?

In the mouth? Saliva is a digestive enzyme. Maybe im missing the main point of this question.

Digestion takes place inside vacuoles containing what?

digestion take place inside the vacoules

Is there chemical digestion that takes place in the stomach?

Yes, absolutely.The stomach secretes digestive juices that are mostly involved in digesting proteins. This is a chemical digestion process that mostly involves hydrochloric acid and pepsinogen, secreted by the parietal cells and chief cells.