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The prefrontal cortex is the part of the brain that experiences a second growth spurt during the teenage years. This region is involved in decision-making, impulse control, and reasoning, and its development continues into early adulthood.

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Q: What part of the brain has a second growth spurt during the teenage years?
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The cerebellum is the area that helps control balance and motor coordination and the coordination of thinking processes. This area undergoes great change and growth during the teenage years.cerebellum The Cerebellum

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The teenage brain has not finished developing yet. The part of the brain that makes long term plans and decides what is not a good idea is still growing.

What are the long term consequences of teenage drinking on the brain?

There are none.

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it depends. Addiction alters the chemicals that go in and out of the brain through the blood brain barrier. The brains of children, teenagers and young adults completely change or regenerate at several times during growth. If they are using during these times of regrowth the drugs can alter the new regeneration or growth. After the brain is fully developed the brain can be damaged and cells altered or killed completely as a side effect of the drug. This is why most of them are illegal

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the pituitary gland secretes a hormone which controls he growth of all parts of the body

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see ,use your brain! you will get it in a second!

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