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Autonomic Division (involuntary)

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medulla oblongata

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Q: What part of the brain is responsible for involuntary processes?
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What part of the brain is responsible for involuntary movement?

The Cerebellum

Where in the brain is intelligence?

Every part of the brain - except possibly the brain stem, where involuntary processes are - contributes to intelligence.

Brain part coordinating involuntary muscles?

The brain stem is responsible for coordinating the movement of involuntary muscles. It has three main parts, the midbrain, the pons and the medulla oblongata.

Part of brain responsible for heart rate?

The Medulla Oblongata, AKA the Brain Stem, is responsible for all involuntary actions, including heart rate.

What part of the brain causes involuntary actions?

The part of your brain that controls involuntary actions is the brain stem. The brain stem is the posterior part of the brain and is responsible for functions such as sleeping, eating and breathing.

What part of the brain keeps muscles working together?

The cerebellum is located near the back of the brain and his cupped around the brainstem. This portion of the brain is responsible for muscle coordination, balance, involuntary movements.

What part of the brain controls involuntary actions?

medulla (Brain stem)

What nervous system is responsible for the involuntary processes of the human body?

You are probably referring to "involuntary body functions" - and the answer would be the autonomic nervous system. This system could be further divided into the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system.

Which part of the brain controls involuntary responses?

The cerebrum

What part of the brain controls involuntary process?


Is the cerebrum part of the brain that controls the involuntary actions?

No. The medulla oblongata with the brain stem control all the necessary involuntary actions in our body.

Is the cerebrum part of the brain that controls involuntary actions?

No. The medulla oblongata with the brain stem control all the necessary involuntary actions in our body.