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The front part of the brain makes decisions.

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Q: What part of the brain makes decisions?
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What part of the brain makes decisions and solves problems?

The prefrontal cortex is responsible for making decisions and solving problems. It is involved in high-level cognitive functions such as reasoning, planning, and self-control.

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The brain is responsible for all cognitive functions in the grasshopper. This is how the grasshopper makes decisions and reacts to stimuli.

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The League of Nations

What organ does really see?

The eyes collect the data (view) and send this data to the brain which interprets and makes decisions based on this data.

What part of speech is impetuous?

The word impetuous is an adjective. It describes someone who makes arbitrary decisions.

What part of the brain does complex learning and abstract thinking take place?

The cerebrum makes complex learning and abstract thinking possible and is the largest part of the brain.

What is the largeist paRT of the brain that controls the thinking and memory?

The largest part of the brain that controls thinking and memory is the cerebrum. It is responsible for higher brain functions such as reasoning, problem-solving, and memory storage.

What are the benefits and costs of a larger brain?

Having a large brain can increase the amount of memory that the brain can store. It also makes you look smarter.

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who makes australia's economic decisions

Who makes Cuba's economic decisions?

the government makes all the decisions, he is a dictator

Which part of the brain contols thinking?

The cerebrum. It makes up 85% of the brains weight.