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The heart has its own "nervous system" called "purkinje fibers", and so doesn't need the brain to beat ... but the thalamus [oldest part of the brain] does have "override" control via the autonomic nervous system (sympathetic by way of several unnamed nerves and parasympathetic by way of the Vagus nerve.

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Q: What part of the brain takes care of beating of the heart?
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Can a human use their full brain capacity?

Humans DO use their full brain capacity. Scientists can detect and record activity in every area of the brain. But our conscious brain only uses 10%... the rest of the brain takes care of internal functions though the subconscious brain.

Is the brain the most important part of the body?

The brain is important because it is the control center of your nervous system. Also, the brain is the body part which sends directions and instructions to the rest of your body. The brain in your body is like the nucleus in a cell. hope this helps you! Have a good day!

Why does the brain control everything?

Your brain controls your breathing, movement, speech, blood circulation and everything else at the same time so TAKE CARE OF YOUR BRAIN!!

The most important organ in our body is our brain?

But the most important is, in my opinion, the brain! Without the brain we wouldn't have touch, sight, or smell. Our heart would still beat, but it wouldn't know to speed up or slow down when it needed to. When we play sports, get scared, or just plain get excited our body needs more blood to supply the muscles. Without the brain our heart would just keep going without speeding up to supply the blood. The kidneys and the liver would keep functioning as the filters, but they wouldn't get much in the way of nutrients from the intestines because the intestines wouldn't work. Our intestines have muscles around them that move the food along (peristalsis). Without the brain these muscles would just sit idle, fill up, and stretch until they couldn't take it anymore.Without the brain we wouldn't have the wonderful sensation of taste. Chocolate, fruit, steak, and everything else just wouldn't be worth eating. Our brain is the most important organ we have, and yet is the least taken care of.

What is the cost involved with traumatic brain injury treatment?

The costs involved with traumatic brain injury treatments are very high. Traumatic brain injury treatment is very expensive. The average costs for medical and long-term care services are around $200,000.

Related questions

Why does the brainstem do for the body?

It connects the body with the brain and it takes care of reflexes and the control of heart rate.

What part of the brain takes care of coordination?

Brain stem

Who takes care of blood?

It's not who, it's what. It's your heart that takes care of blood. So who takes care of the heart? We have to take care of our heart. So the question is...who made our heart/body/soul? If you are not religious, this might sound inaccurate. God made our heart, body and soul. -Farrah, 10

What is the name of a doctor who takes care of the brain?


Do the right and the left half of the brain work together at all?

Of course. They work together all the time. It is not that left brain takes care of language and the right brain takes care of numerical calculations. Both hemispheres are bridged by something called as the corpus collosum.

What connects the brain to the spinal cord and takes care of basic involuntary functions?


Do you suffocate when your heart stops beating?

Breathing has both an automatic (involuntary) and a voluntary control. Of course, you don't have to voluntarily inhale and exhale consciously in order to stay alive; a part of the brain called the brainstem takes care of that. You can, of course control voluntarily the muscles you use for breathing (ie. the diaphragm and the intercostals), which is essential for speech, and many other activities. The rhythm of the heart is not given by the brain. It comes from the heart's own pacemaker, a small node of special heart muscle called the sinus node or sinoatrial node. What the brain does is only the regulation of the heart rate. When you are relaxed, your heart beats slower, when excited, faster. But the heart is totally automatic: it keeps beating even after totally being separated from the nervous system (which is exactly the case in transplanted hearts). Of course, the heart needs oxygen, and plenty of it. But, it can keep beating for quite a few minutes without breathing. This is what makes resuscitation possible sometimes even after more than 15 minutes of no breathing and heartbeat. While the heart can keep beating for some time after the breathing stops, the reverse is practically not possible. Breathing is only possible with a functioning brainstem, and to keep the brainstem working, it needs blood full of oxygen. So, breathing usually stops seconds after the heart stops, and can be restarted only together with the heart during a cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Can a human use their full brain capacity?

Humans DO use their full brain capacity. Scientists can detect and record activity in every area of the brain. But our conscious brain only uses 10%... the rest of the brain takes care of internal functions though the subconscious brain.

Is the brain the most important part of the body?

The brain is important because it is the control center of your nervous system. Also, the brain is the body part which sends directions and instructions to the rest of your body. The brain in your body is like the nucleus in a cell. hope this helps you! Have a good day!

Who takes care of the dead?

It depends on how you live your life when your alive.If you are bad and haven't accepted Jesus in your heart then the devil will.But if you were good and do accept Jesus in your heart then Jesus will.

Who takes care of a church?

A verger takes care of a church

What does a general cardiologist do?

A general cardiologist takes care of heart problems and decides if patients are helped most by various medicines, or need surgery.