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The Fugitive Slave Act. Reaction in the North was so negative that Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote 'Uncle Tom's Cabin' about it.

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Q: What part of the compromise of 1850 allowed kidnapping and slave catchers?
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Provision of the compromise of 1850 that comforted southern slave-catchers and aroused the wrath of northern abolitionists?

Fugitive slave act

What provision of the compromise of 1850 that comforted southern slave catchers and aroused the wrath of northern abolitionist?

The Fugitive Slave Act

Why did the southerners approve of the Compromise of 1850?

Because of the Fugitive Slave Act, where official slave-catchers were appointed to return runaways to their owners.

Why were slave catchers allowed to caputre African ameri can in a free state?

no, I cannot answer this question!

The provision of the compromise of 1850 that comforted southern slave-catchers and aroused the wrath of northern abolitionists?

Man-Stealing Law

What did the threefifths compromise do?

allowed the slave states to count a slave as three-fifths of a person

What did the three-compromise do?

allowed the slave states to count a slave as three-fifths of a person

What part of the Compromise of 1850 did Northerners hate?

The Fugitive Slave Act, which allowed official slave-catchers to hunt down runaways. This caused a highly emotive reaction in the North, and it made Harriet Beecher Stowe so angry that she wrote 'Uncle Tom's Cabin'.

How did the compromise of 1850 lead to a rise in abolitionist activity?

Because one part of it was the Fugitive Slave Act, which allowed official slave-catchers to hunt down runaways. This caused an emotive reaction in the North, and caused Harriet Beecher Stowe to write 'Uncle Tom's Cabin'.

What do the three-fifths compromise do?

allowed the slave states to count a slave as three-fifths of a person

What compromise in 1820 allowed a slave state into the United States when alternated with a free state?

The Missouri Compromise of 1820 allowed a slave state into the union when alternated with a free state. The compromise allowed Missouri to enter the US as a slave state and part of Massachusetts was divided to allow the entrance of Maine into the US as a free state.

Was there a compromise in the compromise of 1850?

Yes, it was a rather desperate deal, with concessions to the South to compensate for their agreement to admit California to the Union as free soil. One of these was the Fugitive Slave Act, which allowed official slave-catchers to hunt down runaways. This provoked the best-selling anti-slavery novel 'Uncle Tom's Cabin', which dramatised the slave debate and caught the attention of millions who had not felt strongly about it until then.