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The 8th cranial nerve sends messages to the brain from the ear. There are several parts involved: In the inner ear are receptor cells that receive vibrations of sound and noise from the outside, which then stimulate the cochlear nerve to send these sounds to the brain for interpretation.

Head movements also affect the fluid inside the ear and stimulate the vestibular nerve to send information to the brain regarding the body's sense of balance or position.

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Q: What part of the ear picks up the messages and transmit to the brain?
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no answer i dont no sorry ;(>

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Which part of the ear sends a message to the brain that is recognized as sound?

The simple answer: In the inner ear the cochlea (the roundish wound up thing that looks a little like a snail shell to me), picks up vibrations from the eardrum (AKA Tympanic membrane) which are then converted to nerve impulses, which are received by the brain as sound.

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