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The Ozone layer of the earth is very important as it protects us from the harmful UV radiations of the sun. This ozone layer is present in the stratospheric region of the atmosphere.

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Q: What part of the earth's atmosphere is important because it protects us from the sun's ultraviolet rays?
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Why is the persistance of ozone in the atmosphere important?

The persistent of ozone is important. It is because it protects us from UV rays of the sun.

What gases are there in the air and what is the percentage of them?

the atmosphere is important because it is that you breatheso,no atmosphere no breathing it protects you by burning up the metroids that could hit each

Why do people call the ozone the atmosphere?

Because it is as important as having an atmosphere. Ozone is present in the stratosphere of the earth's atmosphere. It protects us from the harmful UV light of the sun.

How has the ozone layer been important to the atmosphere?

This is because it prevents the excess entry of ultraviolet rays to the earth therefore acting as a shield.

Why does the earth not get too hot?

That's because a layer of the earth's atmosphere known as the stratosphere contains the ozone layer which protects us from the sun's ultraviolet rays which are dangerous for all existing humans.

Why is the ozone layer of the earth atmosphere is very important?

Because it protects us from Ultra Violet rays which is harmful to our skin.

Why is the ozone layer important to the earth's atmosphere?

The ozone is an important layer found in the stratospheric layer of the Earth. It is important because it protects us from the UV (Ultraviolet) rays of the sun. However the ozone layer is getting depleted due to the emission of harmful gases like CFCs (Chlorofluorocarbons)

Why is the presence of ozone in the atmosphere important?

The ozone is a three atom gas. It is important not to damage it because it protects us.

What happens to the atmosphere if there is very little to no ozone?

Ozone contributes to Earth because it protects it from being hit by harmful ultraviolet rays. If there's no ozone, the Earth's surface will be too overheated and no one would survive.

Why is it important that the atmosphere absorbs the sun's ultraviolet rays?

UV waves are important in the world because lots of creatures like bees use it to navigate and survive. :D

Why is ozone layer is important?

The ozone layer is very important for life on earth. It is because it protects us from the harmful UV rays of the sun.

Why is the earths atmosphere important?

The atmosphere of the earth holds the air we breath and protects us from the harmful effects of the sun. The atmosphere also holds heat so we don't freeze to death