

What part of the flower traps pollen?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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the middle of the flower holds pollen or wear it is yellow

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The "stigma" of the flower catches pollen. The sticky part attached to the top of the pistil.

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Q: What part of the flower traps pollen?
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What part of the flower can you see pollen?

Pollen can be seen in the anther of the stamen. It is the male part of the flower.

Does pollen come from the male or female part of the flower?

Pollen comes from male part of the flower.

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The female part -- known as pistil -- is the part of a flower that a bee rubs with another flower's pollen. The original source of the pollen for the insect in question is a flower's male part, known as anther.

Which part of flower contains pollen?

The flower part from which pollen is disseminated is the stamen.

Pollen is what part of a flower?

Pollen is the male reproductive part of a flower, produced in the anther of a flower's stamen. It is released by the anther to be transferred to the stigma of another flower for pollination to occur.

What sticky part of the carpel which catches the pollen?

The stigma is the part of the plant that traps pollen grains.

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The part of a flower pollen sticks to?

That is called the stigma.

Where is pollen made in a flower?

Pollen is made by the anther. sexual analizer

Does the stigma in a flower produce pollen?

Pollen is male part of the flower and stigma is the uppermost part of the gynoecium (which is female part). Thus stigma does not produce pollen, rather pollen land on stigma after pollination to fertilize the egg inside the ovary of the flower.

What is the purpose of the stigma on a flower?

In a flower carpel, the stigma is the terminal portion that has no epidermis and is fitted to receive pollen.

Which part of the plant is responsible for producing pollen in a flower?

The stigma which is the female part of the flower produces the pollen sex cells and then that gets transfered to another flower