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Q: What part of the heart causes ventricular tachycardia?
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What part of the conduction system of the heart wraps around in the outer walls of the ventricular?

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Which artery supplies the anterior ventricular walls and laterodorsal part of the left side of the heart?

Left coronary artery

The hearts apex rests on what?

The apex is the lowest part of the heart which is responsible for ventricular contraction. It points downward, and rests on the diaphragm.

What is trachea cardia?

I think what you mean is tachycardia, which is faster than normal heart ranges. tachys:rapidor accelerated - kardia or cardia: of the heart. The Trachea is part of your lower airway system.

Where are autorhythmic cells located in the heart?

There are two pacemakers in the heart. One (which is the main pacemaker of the heart) can be found in the upper right-most part of the right atrium and the other one can be found in the center most part of the heart, inside the atrio-ventricular wall.

What does the medical abbreviation PVC mean?

PVC in medical terms is a premature ventricular contraction.Premature Ventricular Contractions. See the related link for more information.Usually PVC stands for Premature Ventricular Contractions. Which basically means the ventricles (lower part of the heart) is contracting too soon.

What is sinus rhythm with occasional premature ventricular complexes?

Sinus rhythm, the natural beating of the heart begins in the sinoatrial (or sinus) node and is located in the wall of the right atrium. Occasional premature ventricular complexes are abnormal heartbeats that disrupt the regular rhythm of the heart. The irregular heartbeats begin in one of the ventricles in the lower part of the heart.

What part of an ECG represents ventricular depolarization?

Okay so an EKG show the electrical impulse that travels through the heart. What I mean is EKG don't show contraction. However the QRS complex represent ventricular depolarization, which signals ventricular contraction

What is the greatest deflection from the baseline on the EKG?

The "R" is the greatest deflection from the baseline on the ECG. The R is part of the QRS complex. This complex represents ventricular depolarization in the heart.

What part of his nervous system causes his heart to race?

sympathetic. Apex

Is there weight loss with atrial tachycardia?

Given that weight loss is brought about by a negative result to the calories in - calories burnt equation, then yes! Tachycardia is a stress to the heart muscle making it expend more energy than it would on a normal basis, thus raising the calories burnt part. However, tachycardia is by no means an healthy way to lose weight, and weight loss, along with cardio and fit conditioning should result in just the opposite, a permanent lowering of your rest heart rate, thus increasing your response capacity to stress