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Large intestine

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Q: What part of the human digestive system stores feces before being expelled?
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What stores feces before release in the digestive system?

The rectum stores feces in the digestive system before release. Release of feces through the anus is known as defecation.

What part of the digestive system is waste consolidated before being expelled?

Waste is consolidated in the colon which is part of the large intestine.

What stores stool?

The rectum stores stool. It is part of the digestive system.

How does a horse digestive system work?

A horse's digestive system operates in the same fashion as a human does, except that after chyme exits the small intestine, it goes into the large cecum to undergo fermentation (a similar process as that in the rumen of a cow) before it is moved into the large intestine and digesta expelled as feces.

What happens to the materials that are not absourbed in the digestive system?

The materials that are not absorbed in the digestive system move through the large intestine, where water is reabsorbed. They are stored in the rectum in the form of feces, and are expelled through the anus.

Gallbladder and pancreas are part of what system?

the gall bladder is part of the digestive system because it It produces and stores the bile.

What system holds urine before it is expelled from the body?

The bladder.

Which organ system does the esophagus large intestine and rectum belong?

The esophagus, large intestine, and rectum are in the digestive system.

What does the rectum in the digestive system do?

The rectum is the final part of the digestive tract, and is where faeces, the waste products of digestion, are stored until they are expelled from the body. All the waste will then leave by the anus.

Is the stomach an organ that is part of the digestive system?

The stomach is an organ in the digestive system.

The organs that make up the excretory system are?

Uh your whole digestive system. Specifically your large intestine, where your feces are expelled. You can include your kidneys, for they dispose of urine.

What system produces stores of ATP and CP in muscles cells?

Cardiovascular and digestive.