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Q: What part of the kidney adds the urea and nitrates from the food you ate?
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Is trigone part of the kidney?

The trigone is part of the urinary bladder, not part of the kidney.

Is the cortex part of the kidney?

renal and kidney are the same so the answer is Yes. the cortex is the outer part of the kidney as opposed to the medulla, the inner part.

What are nitrates and how do they get into your water supply?

Nitrates are a major part offertilizers, so when we use fertilizers they get in the soil and from there to the underground water supply.The reason they usually get past the purification at the water plant is that nitrates are very soluble in water and very hard to separate

What is the job of cortex?

The cortex is a part of a kidney around the inside of a kidney.

What is glomerular kidney disease?

Glomerular kidney disease-- Disease of the kidney that affects the glomeruli, the part of the kidney that filters certain substances out of the blood.

Function of kidney pelvis?

It is a funnel type shape and it is part of the urethra in the kidney.

How does smoking preserve kippers?

the reason smoking preserves kippers is because smoke contains nitrates which kill the bacteria, therefor preserving it.Not quite. First the herring is put in a brine solution for a while. This draws out much of the water content. The smoking part does create nitrates but nitrates do not cure. The nitrates get converted to nitrites which is the actual curing agent.

Is the kidney part of the alimentary canal?

No it is not.

What is tubular kidney disease?

Tubular kidney disease-- Disease of the kidney that affect the tubules, the part of the kidney that allows certain substances to be reabsorbed back into the blood

What microscopic part of the kidney accomplishes its function?

nephron, each kidney has atleast 1 million