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central processor unit(CPU)

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Q: What part of the microcomputer is considered the brain that follows the instructions sent to it by software running on the computer?
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What does a MicroComputer Specialist do?

Microcomputer specialist is responsible for identifying problem in microcomputer software and hardware. Microcomputer specialist determines which software is necessary for the device based on user needs and then installs that software.

Why you cannot operate a computer without computer software?

A computer needs instructions to perform a task. There are many aspects of a computer, such as all the internal parts, the peripherals, and the software components. A computer needs hardware to store and process information, and needs software instructions to do anything for us. If there was no software at all on a computer it would merely be a box of parts. There would be no software telling the computer to show information on the output, and no software to accept instructions from the input.

Step by step instructions for your computer are called?

Software or computer programs.

Series of related computer instructions?


Will word processing software that runs on an Apple Macintosh will readily run on an IBM microcomputer?

Apple Macintosh software will not readily run on an IBM computer.

What unit of computer does implement the instructions?

The CPU of the computer implements the instructions. Instructions are given as per programming. It depends on the type of software a computer is programmed to.

What is meant by micro computer software with examples?

A microcomputer is just a dedicated, embedded computer. The software this computer would run would be single purpose and dedicated to the job in the device for which the computer is being used - say running a toaster!

The set of instructions that tells the computer what to do is?

A computer program, or software

How does software works?

Software is a series of instructions fed into a computer. The computer reads and follows these instructions. If that does something useful, good for it and good for the programmer who wrote and compiled those instructions.

What is another term meaning computer instructions is?


What is a set of instructions called?

Set of instructions is called a PROGRAM. And set of program is called a SOFTWARE.

Someone who develops software or writes instructions for the computer?
