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Q: What part of the ovary that produces estrogen and progesterone is know as the?
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Both types of reproductive organs produce hormones in addition to the production of ovum and sperm, respectively. The testes produce testosterone, and the ovaries produce estrogen and progesterone. Such hormones are responsible for control and onset of conception and the growth of offspring.

Do prostiglandins help regulate the responses of hormones?

I know for aboslute SURE... Estrogen, Progesterone, and Oxytocin. YAY! I got 'em all! neonat :D

What is the role of progesterone in mammary glands?

I Know that progesterone causes breast development, and the more progesterone, the larget breasts. I also know that after firtilization occurs, the follicle produces high levels of progesterone. So, I do believe that progesterone also causes the mamory glands to produce milk several months into pregnancy.

What do estrogen and progetrogen do?

Progesterone counteracts the dangerous effects of excess estrogen in the body. I'm not 100% on what estrogen does, but I know birth control works by tricking the body into thinking it's already pregnant so you stop ovulating. That might be where the estrogen comes into play.

Why you have periods?

A period (more technically known as a menstrual cycle) is the result of hormonal changes occurring in your body on a regular basis as your body prepares itself for the possibility of carrying a child. Every month, your body produces a hormone called estrogen, the purpose of which is to produce an egg from your ovaries and to build a fertile lining in your uterus to support the egg if it is fertilized. After the egg is released from the ovary, it travels into the fallopian tube into the uterus, where if you have had sex, it may be fertilized and attach to the uterine lining, where it will grow into a baby. The space where the egg was becomes a luteal cyst and begins to secrete progesterone, which keeps the lining of the uterus healthy for the growing baby. If the egg is unfertilized, after a few days the progesterone hormone levels fall and the uterine lining begins to weaken and shed, what you know as your "period."

What gland is responsible for initiating menstrual cycle?

Oestrogen & Progesterone are produced by the Ovaries. Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) & Lutenizing Hormone (LH) are produced by the pituitary gland at the base of the brain. FSH and LH control and stimulate the unripe eggs inthe ovaries to ripen and be released. Oestrogen & progesterone stimulate the formation of the endometrium lining in the womb, and by reducing in levels ultimatly casue the breakdown of the lining, and the ensuing period know as menstruation in human females

The hormones in girls responsible for developing female characteristics are?

Everyone has hormones, not just girls. All a hormone is is a chemical released by cells in the body, and there something like 40 or 50 hormones in the bodies of both genders. If you want to know why girls have certain hormones (especially ones classified as estrogen), then the answer still is even males have estrogen, just as females have testosterone. Females, however, have much more estrogen than males, and that is because it is necessary to regulate their menstrual cycle and in the formation of breasts. These high levels of estrogen are also what makes women sometime moodier than males, and is also responsible for many other characteristics of females, but it is also vital to the health of both males and females.

Can you make estrogen artificially?

Estrogen occurs naturally in the human body. There are man-made versions of estrogen such as BPA, which has been know to cause prostate cancer.

Which hormones affect acne in woman?

Androgens -- testosterone in particular. Your estrogen levels drop around the time before your period and you may notice that's when you get pimples. As estrogen drops, testosterone naturally rises --lucky you, you get pimples! If you are a woman in your mid life (30's ) the best way to make sure your body is in balance is to request a hormone profile from your obgyn. This is a simple blood test drawn at certain times of the month (your doctor and you can figure that out) and then reveals what levels your estrogen, testosterone, progesterone and other hormones (thyroid) etc... are and if they are correct. Not only can an imbalance cause adult acne, but also can cause depression (too little estrogen affects seratonin --- too much progesterone can also cause depression symptoms) -- so, it's really important to know your levels so you're not being incorrectly treated for something that could be another.

Is right ovary pain after intercourse related to pregnancy?

You can not know that there is a pain in ovary. You need a cheque up by gynecologist for this pain.

What is the ovary special parts called?

i dont know that why i asked you

What is the orgin of plants?

its the ovary where the plant has its eggs. if you dont know that you stupid!