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Mitochondria are commonly referred to as the (eukaryotic) cell's "powerhouse".

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The mitochondria, this is where energy production from the oxidation of glucose substances and the release of adenosine triphosphate takes place

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Q: What is a cell organelle that has the nickname powerhouse?
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The mitochondrian organelle is the organelle that controls the cell's energy. It is considered the powerhouse of the cell.

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Mitochondria. They are the powerhouse of the cell

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It is the "powerhouse of the cell."

Why are the mitochondria called the powerhouse?

Because they produce the glucose for the cell. Meaning that they produce the food for the cell making it sort of a powerhouse sort organelle.

What organelle is referred to as the power house?

Mitochondrion in the cytoplasm is referred to as powerhouse of the cell.

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What organelle is called the powerhouse of the cell because of its role in cellular respiration?

The mitochondria.

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Mitochondria, also called the power house of the cell

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Mitochondria, it is known as the powerhouse of the cell and providing it energy.

What oranelle is the power house?

Which organelle is the powerhouse of the cell?The question is asking, "how does the cell get energy?"The cell gets its energy from the mitochondria(mitochondrion).