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Silk is made from the string that silk worms use to spin their cocoons. Once the silk worm has spun its cocoon, the worm is killed to keep it from chewing its way through the cocoon to get out. The silk is then unwound from the cocoon and used to make textiles.

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11y ago

Caterpillars can make silk naturally, though silk is usually made from caterpillar pupae, which are bred in order to make mass-producing silk viable. The insect inside the pupa is killed before unraveling it.

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14y ago

It is produced naturally from silk worms. This is why it is so expensive compared to other materials.

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14y ago

What human body part makes silk? ? Never heard of that being possible. I do not think we are able to produce silk with our bodies.

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13y ago

A silk-producing organ called a spinneret.

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Q: What part of the silkworm is used to makes silk?
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What is fagara silk?

Silk made from the cocoons of the Atlas silkworm is what "fagara silk" is.Specifically, the silkworm carries the scientific name Attacus atlas.Its cocoons may be used to make durable silk in northern India or purses in Taiwan. Either way, the silk offers attractive light brown colors and sturdy use.

Why did the ancient Chinese use silk?

I believe the story is that the emperess of china was sitting under a tree drinking tea and a silkworm fell into her tea and it's body melting created silk and that is how silk was discovered and the Chinese discovered it

Why are silk cocoons boiled?

Silkworm cocoons are placed in boiling water to make the one long continuous thread separate from it.

How raw silk is produced?

The process used to make silk fabric for sheets (or anything else) is called Sericulture or silk farming AKA the rearing of silkworms for the production of silk. Silkworm larvae eat mulberry leaves until they are about 10,000 times heavier than when they first hatched and are ready to make a cocoon. The silk is produced in two glands in the silkworm's head and then forced out in liquid form through openings called spinnerets and then solidifies when coming into contact with the air. The silkworm spins about 1 mile of filament in the next two to three days to form its cocoon. The outside of the cocoon is then brushed to find the end of the silk filament, which is then wound on a reel.

Why is silk worms so important to us?

Silk worms have several benefits for man. One benefit to man is that silk worm extract is used in many medicinal benefits.

Is silk from the silkworms cocoon used to make anything?

Yes it is! Silk from silkworm cocoons is extracted to be used for manufacturing of many types of clothing; meaning, that the silky clothings you are wearing are actually made of many threads of silk that were extracted from many silkworm cocoons. In fact, only one silkworm cocoon contains a single continuous silk thread that can reach about 3600 feet in length! This method of manufacturing originated in China, where the first silk keel was invented and there are different farming methods in different countries. The process of extraction in Chinese farms involves heating the cocoons in an oven in order to kill the silkworm inside the cocoon, and then soaking the cocoons in water in order to identify the end of the silk thread. Once theyre soaked, the silk is extracted from the cocoons using multiple threads from several cocoons to form a single silk thread (since one thread of silk from one cocoon is too thin). Hope that helps:)

Is a silk worm an insect?

Yes , the most common one is mullberry silkworm x

What part of the silk worm is used to obtain silk?

the answer is grace

What is use of silkworm?

Silk "worms" are actually the larval form of the domestic silk moth (Bombyx mori). The silkworms are raised on a diet of only white mulberry (Morus alba) leaves until they enter the pupal stage. The cocoons which the silkworms make are then used to make silk.

What natural material was exclusive to China and made by worms?

You are thinking of silk, which was not a 'natural material exclusive to China' so much as the method used to develop silk from the silkworm was a technique developed or invented by the Chinese. Any body with silkworms can make silk, but only the Chinese (at the time) figured out how.

How long ago was silk discovered?

Silk was first used in China in 27th century B.C. For 3000 years production of silk was a secret of China. Around 300 A.D. Japanese expedion got some silkworm eggs, and around 522 A.D. Byzantine also aquired them (by smuggling).

What is the importance of silkworms?

The silkworm is the larva or caterpillar of the domesticated silkmoth, Bombyx mori. At a certain stage, it weaves a cocoon of silk round itself before beginning its change into a moth. The cocoon is dunked in hot water to kill the caterpillar, and the cocoon is carefully unravelled. Several threads are combined to make the silk yarn used in some clothing.