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helps from being damaged

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Q: What part of the skeletal system protects the organs in the lower body?
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Why is the skull so important to the skeletal system?

It protects the brain which is the most important part of you body because it controls everything

Which organs do your skeleton protect?

All organs contained in the thoracic cavity plus many more..According to Wikipedia, here's the suppl. information :Structures within the thoracic cavity include:structures of the cardiovascular system, including the heart and great vessels, which include the thoracic aorta, the pulmonary artery and all its branches, the superior and inferior vena cava, the pulmonary veins, and the azygos veinstructures of the respiratory system, including the trachea, bronchi and lungsstructures of the digestive system, including the esophagus,endocrine glands, including the thymus gland,structures of the nervous system including the paired vagus nerves, and the paired sympathetic chains,lymphatics including the thoracic duct.Ribs: protects the heart and lungs.Skull: Protects the brain.Backbone: Protects the spinal chord.Pelvis: protects the bladder, lower colon, lymph nodes and vagina.The skeletal system does protect many organs but it is by no extent all of them as the organs of the abdomen are totally exposed apart from some layers of muscle that hold them in place. The lunge and heart are protected by the ribcage. The brain is protected by the skull. The urinary bladder, parts of the colon, the rectum and the anus as well as the female reproductive tract (only in women obviously) are protected by the pelvis.The skull and the rib cage.

What are the 5 common elements of skeletal system?

A. Support The skeleton provides the framework for the body. Bones provide the basic shape and structure for the body. What do you think we would look like if we didn't have bones? Pretty silly right? The bones are like the beams inside of a building, and all of our organs, muscles and skin are organized around the bones, just like the walls of a building. The mandible and maxilla support the tooth. Bones of the lower of the lower limbs, pelvis and vertebral column hold up the body. B. Protection The skeleton protects organs in the body. Bones can cover and protect many of out major organs. They are like an armor that protects our insides.1. cranium: protects the brain 2. ribs/sternum: protects the lungs, heart and some digestive organs 3. pelvis: protects and supports the digestive and reproductive organs 4. spinal column: protects the spine C. Blood Cell Production. Inside of the long bones in our bodies, there is a cavity that is filled with a substance called Bone Marrow. In this tissue, new blood cells are produced, and damaged blood cells are repaired. Red bone marrow produces red blood cells, white blood cells and other blood elements. D. Movement. The bones are the levers that help the body move in different directions and in different ways. The bones by themselves can't move without the muscles that are connected to them. E. Mineral Storage. Mineral is a substance that the body needs to carry out all of our bodily functions like thinking, breathing and moving around. One of the minerals that the body needs is calcium. Calcium is a major part of bone, and this is where the body stores its calcium. It is very important to make sure you eat enough calcium each day because if you don't get enough calcium, your body will take the calcium it needs from your bones. The less calcium the bone has, the weaker it will become.

What are the two division of skeletal system?

The axial and appendicular are the two divisions in the skeletal system. The axial skeleton consists of bones that form the axis of the body and support and protect the organs of the head, neck, and trunk the skull, the sternum, the ribs, the vertebral column The appendicular skeleton is composed of bones that anchor the appendages to the axial skeleton. The upper and lower extremities, the shoulder girdle, the pelvic girdle

Is the fibula part of the skeletal system?

Yes, the fibula is one of two major bones in the lower part of the leg, below the knee.

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How does the skeletal system protect your organs?


What organs protects bones?

Three sets of bones protect the internal organs:The skull protects the brainThe rib cage, anchored by the sternum and vertebral column, protects the heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, and spleen.The pelvis protects the urinary and reproductive organs, as well as the lower part of the intestines

What is lumber in the skeletal system?

the lumber is the middle of you spine or backbone

What are the organs of the muscular system?

A complete muscle, consisting of muscle fibers, connective tissue, nerve tissue, and blood tissue, is considered one organ by itself. The different organs in the muscular system include cardiac muscles, smooth muscles and skeletal muscles. There are roughly 600 organs in the muscular system, and these muscles make up about 40 percent of the body. These organs can be divided into four major groups: the muscles of the lower extremity, the trunk muscles, the muscles of the upper extremity, and head-and-neck muscles. The main organs in the muscular system are muscles, tendons, and ligaments. The muscular system is made up of over 700 different muscles. These muscles are broken down into 3 specific types; visceral muscles, cardiac muscles, and skeletal muscles.

What two things make up the lower leg in the Skeletal System?

Fibula and tibia

Name the two bones that protect internal organs?

The entire pelvis protects the organs in the lower abdomen. The spinal column protects the body by giving it structure or framework. When a person is in an accident that breaks the pelvis or hip bones, there is typically also damage or extensive injury to the lower abdominal organs.

How do the skeletal and muscular system work?

The skeletal system has a few important jobs. One is to keep us from becoming blobs of human tissue similar to jellyfish but without the water. The other is to protect vital organs such as our brains, heart, lungs, liver. But they have another role which is to create a form on which everything else can be put onto. This is where the muscles come in. The muscles hold all of our organs into place and pull on our frame of bones to make the bones move. . But the muscles are controlled by nerves which run all throughout every bit of our body from the brain. How the nerves get from the brain to the lower part of the body is through the hollow core in the spine which is a major part of our skeletal system. So another function is to protect parts of the nervous system.

Why is the skull so important to the skeletal system?

It protects the brain which is the most important part of you body because it controls everything

Which organs do your skeleton protect?

All organs contained in the thoracic cavity plus many more..According to Wikipedia, here's the suppl. information :Structures within the thoracic cavity include:structures of the cardiovascular system, including the heart and great vessels, which include the thoracic aorta, the pulmonary artery and all its branches, the superior and inferior vena cava, the pulmonary veins, and the azygos veinstructures of the respiratory system, including the trachea, bronchi and lungsstructures of the digestive system, including the esophagus,endocrine glands, including the thymus gland,structures of the nervous system including the paired vagus nerves, and the paired sympathetic chains,lymphatics including the thoracic duct.Ribs: protects the heart and lungs.Skull: Protects the brain.Backbone: Protects the spinal chord.Pelvis: protects the bladder, lower colon, lymph nodes and vagina.The skeletal system does protect many organs but it is by no extent all of them as the organs of the abdomen are totally exposed apart from some layers of muscle that hold them in place. The lunge and heart are protected by the ribcage. The brain is protected by the skull. The urinary bladder, parts of the colon, the rectum and the anus as well as the female reproductive tract (only in women obviously) are protected by the pelvis.The skull and the rib cage.

What is the purpose of a joint in the skeletal system?

They allow you to fold your upper and lower members and to ease walking and running.

What is the purpose of the joints of the skeletal system?

They allow you to fold your upper and lower members and to ease walking and running.

The organs involved in the respritory system?

The respiratory system is vategorized into two: the upper and the lower. The upper organs include the nose, wind pipe, the larynx and pharynx. The lower includes the lungs and the accessory muscles like the diaphragm.