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Its simple....FUEL

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The external fuel tank of the space shuttle cannot be reused. It is a one-time use component that is jettisoned and burns up in the atmosphere upon reentry.

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Q: What part of the space shuttle cannot be reused?
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What part of the space shuttle is not resusabe?

The Space Shuttle's large rust colored external tank cannot be reused. It burns up upon reentry into the atmosphere.

Is a space shuttle reusable?

Yes, the Space Shuttle was designed to be reusable, with the orbiter being the only part that was meant to return to Earth and be reused for multiple missions. The solid rocket boosters and external fuel tank were not reusable.

What part of the space shuttle is reused?

The Space Shuttle's orbiters were designed to be reused for multiple missions. After each flight, the orbiter would undergo refurbishment and upgrades to prepare for its next mission. The solid rocket boosters and external fuel tank were not reusable and were discarded after each launch.

Was any part of the space shuttle reusable?

Much of the shuttle was reused for each flight. A complete inspection was done of the outer cover of the shuttle body itself. The main tank for fuel (the large rust colored tank) was a throw away, but the two solid fuel engines on either side were also reused, once they were repacked and inspected.

What part of the shuttle is reused?

The orbiter, the airplane looking part, and the solid rocket boosters are reused. However, the SRBs (solid rocket boosters) have to be completely dismantled and almost totally rebuilt.

Which part of a space shuttle does not get reused?

The 2 solid fuel rockets are jettisoned prior to departing the atmosphere and parachute down. These are recovered from the sea and refurbrished for re-use. The large (orange) External Fuel Tank is not recovered. It stays with the Shuttle until it enters into space. So when it is jettisoned it burns up on re-entry.

What is a chioken?

A part on the Space shuttle

Are the parts of a space shuttle reused?

Yes and no. The SRBs (solid rocket boosters) and EFT (external fuel tank) are jettisoned on takeoff. The orbiter (the part that lands) is reused, though several components are replaced periodically, such as the heat shield tiles, thruster assemblies, and computer components.

What country launched the first shuttle?

The United States launched the first space shuttle, called the Space Shuttle Columbia, on April 12, 1981. It was part of the NASA space shuttle program.

Which part of the space craft came back to earth?

The space shuttle.

What was the name of first space shuttle sent into outer space?

The first space shuttle sent into outer space was the Space Shuttle Columbia. It was launched on April 12, 1981, as part of the STS-1 mission.

How many space shuttle flights have been launched?

A total of 135 space shuttle flights were launched between 1981 and 2011 as part of NASA's Space Shuttle Program.