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It will be the nose

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Q: What part of the statue the roman god janus sticks out as a treath to blind people?
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Related questions

What part of the statue the roman god sticks out and poses a threat to blind people?

the foot

What part of a statue janus the roman god sticks out and poses a threat to blind people?

the foot

Can Medusa turn you into a statue if you are blind?

No, you have to see her.

How many blind people have killed people?

in a year about 5 blind people,not very many blind people are the "the blind jason" but it does happen by accident. . . most of the time.

What is the meaning of the blind law statue which always appears in court or symbols of law?

This statue is actually called by many names such as, lady justice, scales of justice, and blind justice. Each part of the statue represents something different. This statue dates back to ancient Greek and Roman times, and the lady in the statue is themis, the goddess of law and justice. The scales that she holds represents the impartiality that justice is served and the sword represents the power that is held by those making this decision. Artists in the 16th century began showing the lady blindfolded to show that justice is not subject to influence, and because of this addition the statue earned the name Blind Justice. I hope i answered your question

What to do when having over friends?

you can do nails eat popcorn watch a movie play volleyball, basketball sports, play touchy feely get wooden sticks things that you toss salad with and get a blind fold and you can only use the wooden sticks to feel who the people are and you have 2 guess who it is its really fun!!

Are all people who are blind born blind?

No there ways of becoming blind.

Why blind people have blue eyes?

Blind people can have any colored eyes.

Why is it important for blind people to use braille?

It raises awareness and it helps blind people to read using their fingers

Who in France developed a reading system for blind people?

Louis Braille invented a reading system for blind people. He did not invent a language for blind people.

Are the people from blind melon really blind?

no xD

Why does the Statue of Liberty wear a blind fold?

I think it represents how liberty will be fair and not discriminate by color, weight, gender, etc...