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Q: What part of the system unit processes input data?
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What is a quasi equilibrium. What is its importance in engineering?

When a process proceeds in such a manner that the system remains infinitesimally close to an equilibrium state at all times, it is called a quasi-static or a quasi-equilibrium process. A quasi-equilibrium process can be viewed as a sufficiently slow process that allows the system to adjust itself internally so that properties on one part of the system do not change any faster than those other parts. Engineers are interested in quasi-equilibrium process for two reasons. Firstly, they are easy to analyze. Secondly, work-producing devices deliver the most work when they operate on quasi-equilibrium processes. Engineer Ebrahim Anwar Kisswani.

What is powder metal compaction?

Powder metal compaction is the pressing of iron and steel alloy powders into the deisred part shape through the use of mechanical or hydraulic presses. The compaction of the powder occurs within a tool set made from tool steels or carbide. The tools are fabricated to form the desired shape of the part. They are heat treated and machined or ground to very close tolerances, allowing the powder to be formed into a near net-shaped part. The "green" part is then sintered to bond that powder particles into a solid near fully dense steel part. Once the part has been sintered, other operations, such as heat treating, machining and coating, may be performed on the part. For a full description of the processes used in powder metal compaction see the related links below.

What kind or a simple machines is a fan belt in a car?

A fan belt is a type of simple machine that uses the pulley system. That is how the belt gets turned by the wheels.

Why is classical mechanics such an important part of engineering?

because it is old

Two simple machines that are part of a bicycle are an?

wheel and axle, and the lever.

Related questions

What part of speech is input?

"Input" can function as either a noun or a verb. As a noun, it refers to data or information fed into a system. As a verb, it means to enter data or information into a system.

What are the two purposes of the input or sensory part of the nervous system?

collecting data and concerting it to nerve impulses.

Is user interface part of the operating system?

A user interface (UI) is the part of an operating system, program or device that the user uses to input and receive data

Is performing a computer calculations part of the input of the computer operations?

No. "Input" means getting data INTO the computer.

Which part of an organizational system reflects processes that transform into outputs?

Which part of an organizational system reflects processes that transform inputs into outputs?

What is an input arm in science?

An input arm in science typically refers to a component or part of a device or system that receives input or information. It could be a mechanical arm that moves based on input signals, or a part of a sensor that collects data from the environment.

Which part of an organizational system reflects processes that transform inputs into outputs?

Which part of an organizational system reflects processes that transform inputs into outputs?

What part of the computer collects data from people and devices?

Input devices connect to the computer and they pass data into the Processor where it can be processed.

Why many system designer believe that data modelling is the most important part of the system development process?

The characteristics of data captured during data modeling are crucial in the designof databases, programs, and other system components. Facts and rules that arecaptured during this process are essential in assuring data integrity in aninformation system.b. Data, rather than processes, are the most important aspects of many moderninformation systems and hence, require a central role in structuring systemrequirements.c. Data tend to be more stable than the business processes that use the data. Thus,an information system that is based on a data orientation should have a longeruseful life than one based on a process orientation.

What is the input statement for a program?

Input statements extract data from an input stream. For example: int x; std::cin >> x; Output statements insert data to an output stream. For example: std::cout << x; You cannot insert data into an input stream and cannot extract data from an output stream. However, streams that are both input and output streams (such as read-write files) can insert and extract data as required, depending on whether you are reading or writing to the stream.

Which part of the brain helps the body move smoothly?

The cerebellum processes input from other areas of the brain, spinal cord and sensory receptors to provide precise timing for coordinated, smooth movements of the skeletal muscular system.

What part of the nervous system is encased in bone and processes information?

The brain.