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Lions eat all the meat and soft tissue and can crack open bones,

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Q: What part of the wildebeest does the lion eat?
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What animals does a lion hunt for and eat?


What eat a wildebeest?

A lion might eat a wildebeest; so might a bushman. OR ANYTHING BIGGER THAN THE BEAST. BIGGER AND STRONGER! :DD

Where do wildebeests stand in a food chain?

before lions because the food chain is small animals eat grass wildebeest eat small animals and then lion eats wildebeest

Can a wildebeest kill a lion?

It is possible, but the lion is more likely to win since the lion is too big and strong for the wildebeest to kill.

What does an African lion eat and what does the animal it eats eat?

They generally eat impalas, wildebeest and zebra. They are opportunistic eaters and will eat other prey if necessary.

What does lion eat and how does it get its food?

a lion is a carnivore, so it only eats meat, it hunts for zebra, wildebeest, impala and other prey they can catch.

Wild animals like tiger lion etc. do not eat plants . Does this means that they can survive without plants?

No. They probably eat a bit of plant material, if only in the stomachs of their prey animals. However, most importantly, all food chains begin with plants. The lion may eat a wildebeest but the wildebeest ate grass.

What is the symbiotic relationship between wildebeest and lion?

Cheetahs and lions are predators, and zebras are prey.

What specifically do lions eat?

The lion is a carnivore; its specific diet consists of fresh meat, though a hungry lion will eat carrion. A regular prey of the African lion are zebra, antelopes, wildebeest, and other plains-dwelling animals.

Where does the African lion eat?

They are obligate carnivores, so they eat meat from primarily buffalo, zebra, antelope, warthogs, gnu, wildebeest or other animals they can capture.

What does the lion prey on?

gazelles, zebras, wildebeest, springbok, etc.

What is the suspense of the Lion King?

There are a lot of suspenseful scenes in The Lion King, but your answer is mostly likely the wildebeest stampede.