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A particle smaller than atom is a subatomic particle, protons , neutrons, and , electrons, the smallest one is an electron, smaller than that are point particles and elementary particles, one elementary particle and point particle is a quark, up quarks down quarks the smallest single thing found so far is a GLUON, which is the force which binds/holds quarks together. Where the devil lives in anti matter there are also atoms and subatomic particles and point particles but just anti, anti- GLUON, anti-QUARK, anti-ATOM, anti-SUBATOMIC PARTICLE. There is something called the string theory, and super string theory that theorizes about bosonic/boson strings but it can not be provine yet, and I think a gluon is still alot smaller than a bosonic/boson string if they are true.


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Q: What particle can exist alone and is smaller than any other?
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