

What particle is in a balloon?

Updated: 12/14/2022
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Q: What particle is in a balloon?
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How do you stop hellium escapin from a balloon what causes hellium to escape from a balloon?

a particle of hellium is small enough to fit in between the molecules of latex (or whatever the balloon is made of) and eventually leaks out due to diffusion. If the environment the balloon is in has the same amount of hellium in it as the balloon, it won't deflate.

Releases a helium particle?

A balloon filled with helium will leak Helium particles this way and that, you silly monkey <3

How might speed at which a gas particle moves affects how quickly that gas particle escapes from the balloon?

Flow rate is diameter of hole*velocity, so the higher the velocity the higher the flow rate.

How does particle theory explain the formation works in a hot air balloon?

A gas burner is used in the hot air balloon to heat air. When heat is applied, particles tend to expand. Due to this the air surrounding the balloon is cooler than the air inside it, making it to rise.

What happens to the density of a gas sample collected in a balloon as the sample is heated?

The air becomes less dense as it expands making the balloon appear to self inflate.

Is it true the strength of the electric field of a charged particle becomes greater as the distance from the particles increases?

I really doubt it. If it were, then the strength of the electric field from a charged particle on the far side of the Andromeda Galaxy would be totally unbearable, and it would be completely impossible to stick a charged balloon to the wall in my house.

What is un balloon?

un balloon is a balloon

How can you use a balloon with a negative charge to find out whether the charge on another balloon is positive or negative?

You can tell if the negative balloon attracts or repels the other balloon. If it attracts the balloon then it is a positive balloon. If it repels the balloon then it is a negative balloon.

How a hot air balloon works in a particle theory?

Okay, basically, hot air balloons trap air within them. Air, (according to the particle theory) is made of molecules and atoms that keep moving. In order for a hot air balloon to rise, you turn on like some fire thing (sorry I don't know the name) which is placed directly under the opening of the 'balloon'. You know the principle hot air rises and cool air sinks. As the air inside the 'balloon' is heated, the atoms gain energy. They move faster in the enclosed space, bumping one another out. By bumping against one another, the atoms spread out, and thus the spaces between the particles become bigger. Now the hot air is less dense than the cool air.The hot air will rise (like how oil floats on water) and rise too! Basically, its all about the temperature affecting the speed and energy of the air particles.

What is the density of balloon?

Density of any balloon depends on the material of the balloon and how much the balloon is filled.