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Q: What particles does gamma radiation emit?
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Which of the following is not a component of the radiation emitted by a radioactive sample a.alpha radiation radiation c.gamma radiation d.beta radiation?

Radioactive substances can emit alpha particles, gamma radiation (gamma rays) and beta radiation (beta particles). What they do not emit is delta radiation.It causes transmutation.It has a mass of 4 amus.

What kind of radiation is emitted from protactinium?

Protactinium-231 emit alpha particles, gamma radiations, X-rays.

Which of these types of radioactive decay does not produce an atom of a different element?

All forms of radioactive decay have emissions. Some, however, do not emit alpha, positive or negative beta, or gamma particles, and do not emit protons or neutrons either. In these, which include electron capture and double electron capture, neutrinos are emitted, but these are still considered particles.

What are the isotopes that give off energy and emit particles are known as?

Isotopes that emit particles and give off energy are known as "radioactive" isotopes. The particles they emit generally come in the form of α-radiation i.e α particles (helium nucleus), and ß-radiation, i.e. ß-particles (electron or positron). Some small amount of neutrons may be emitted by an isotope as a byproduct of α-radiation. The primary energy emitted by radioactive isotopes is gamma radiation and heat; the heat comes from the effect of α-, ß and gamma radiation being absorbed by the surrounding materials.

What type of radiation do nuclear weapons emit?

Nuclear weapons emit nuclear radiation, with gamma radiation being the most common and dangerous.

What particles can thorium emit?

Alpha particles but also electrons and gamma radiations (Th 232).

Is gamma not considered a type of radiation ray?

Actually, gamma is the ONLY type of radiation ray. Since the three types of radiation are alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma rays, and the other two are particles, technically, gamma rays are the only radiation rays. If that is not what you are looking for, then I recommend rephrasing your question.

What particles does americium give off?

Americium emit alpha particles and gamma radiations.

What types of particles does gamma radiation release?

Gamma radiation is not a particle, is it a high energy electromagnetic wave.

What do radioactive materials do?

The atoms become some other type of atom. In the process, they emit some radiation, which contains energy. The radiation they emit typically include one or more of the following: alpha particles (helium-4 nuclei), beta particles (electrons or positrons), gamma rays, and neutrinos.

Does gamma radiation have no mass?

No Gamma Rays do not have mass. All electromagnetic radiation has no mass.

Radiation that is similar to x-rays and is not composed of particles?

gamma radiation