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Q: What particles travel the farthest in chromatography?
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Why does carotene travel farthest in chromatography of leaf pigments?

it has more affinity (attraction) to the solvent than to the paper

Why does red ink travel further than yellow ink in chromatography?

because yellow is a bigger particle, and in chromatography, the bigger molecules/particles fall out first, while the smaller particles continue moving.

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The particles of helium are farthest apart in a balloon.

What happens to particles during chromatography?

Particles present in the dye to be separated is dissolved by the solvent and then carried throught the chromatographic paper, the extent to which each die will travel will depent on the amount of that die is present in the sample die.

What are the relations with pigment and chromatography?

the more soluble the plant pigment is with the chromatography solvent, the farther it will travel up the chromatography paper

How does chromatography work to separate particles of ink?

It is used good!

What is molecular exclusion chromatography?

molecular exclusion chromatography is the exclusion or separation of protein particles based on their molecular size. Bhubanyu Basu

Why do different substances travel at different speeds in a chromatography?

yes they do

What is the name of the subatomic particles located farthest from the nucleus of the atom?

Valence electrons are located farthest from the nucleus of the atom.

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Which scientific technique depends on the way that particles of ink move through paper?


What does chromatography mean in Greek?

The name Chromatography comes from the greek word "Chromos" meaning color and "grafein" meaning to write. So, Chromatography is "writing with colors"...