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emission and absorption

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Q: What particular behavior of light that shows particle property?
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Light is an electromagnetic wave. What particular behavior of light that shows particle property?

Photo electric emission

Which are the non relativistic particles?

A non-relativistic particle is any particle not traveling at a speed close to the speed of light. This is not a property of particular type of particle; any particle may in general travel at any speed (below the speed of light). An exception are particles which are massless such as photons and gluons, these MUST travel at the speed of light.

How does light behave as a wave and as a particle?

The wave behavior can be seen in phenomena such as interference.The particle behavior can be seen, among other things, in the photoelectric effect.

Does light behave primarily as a wave or as a particle when it interacts with a detector?

-- If the detector is designed to detect wave characteristics, then light exhibits all the characteristics and behavior of a wave when it encounters that detector. -- If the detector is designed to detect particle characteristics, then light exhibits all the characteristics and behavior of a particle when it encounters that detector.

Light has what properties?

Light has both wave and particle properties. In some cases, the wave property is observable (Young's double slit experiment) and in other cases, the particle property is observable (photoelectric effect).

What do electrons and light have in common?

Both have wave and particle behavior depending on the experiment being done.

What is meant by the dual wave-particle nature of light?

It means that light behaves as both.If you design an experiment that detects waves, the behavior of light fits right in.And if you design an experiment that detects particles, the behavior of light fitsright into that one just as well. Whichever behavior you're looking for, light satisfies it. So when the question isasked: "Is light made of waves or particles ?", the best answer is "Yes".

How do you detect if light is a particle or a wave?

Light is both a wave and a particle depending on circumstances; this is referred to as the wave-particle duality of light.

Is light a particle?

Yes. Light has both particle and wave properties.

A gamma ray is a very high speed particle with no charge?

Sort of. A gamma ray is a photon, which is a particle/wave moving at the speed of light, because it is light.Photons are the gauge particles for the electromagnetic force, but they don't carry an electric charge themselves.

How can you prove that light is a particle?

The photoelectric effect was pretty definitive evidence that light is a particle (well, at least sometimes a particle).

What are the proofs of the particle nature light?

The particle nature of light is illustrated by the photoelectric effect.