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kind of no but there is sulfuric acids that can a little bit but not very big of a threat so kind of yes and kind of no.

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Q: What particular synthetic materials will react violently with water and pose a threat to firefighters?
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What do firefighters use to rescue people?

It depends upon what kind of fire it is and where it is located. In many cases, firefighters have easy access to water and a fire is comprised of ordinary combustible materials that can be extinguished using water. However, some types of fires would react violently with water and different types of fire extinguishers have been invented to address this. Look at Class B, C, D, K extinguishers for more information about these other types of fires. In wildfire situations, where water is scarce or very expensive to move, firefighters use hand tools, chainsaws, and perhaps bulldozers to stop a fire using a "fuel break". By separating the burning fuel from the unburned, the fire will eventually run out of fuel and stop, if the separation is large enough. Fire retardant may also be dropped from aircraft onto fires in remote places, cooling the fire and making it more difficult for the fire to spread to other coated materials.

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