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Q: What parts of California did Juan cabrillo discover?
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What did Juan Rodríguez Cabrillo discover?

he discovered California was not an island

Did juan rodriguez cabrillo find the strait of anian?

No, Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo did not find the Strait of Anián. He explored the coast of California in the 16th century but did not discover the supposed passage to the Atlantic Ocean known as the Strait of Anián.

Who started the first california mission?

Juan Cabrillo

Who started first California mission?

Juan Cabrillo

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Why Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo explored?

To discover new land and become wealthy.

Who first explored the California coast?

juan rodriguez cabrillo

Exploration by Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo?

he explored california and spain

What are Juan Cabrillo's sea routes?

he went around California...

What did Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo do in California?

he ate food until he exploded.

What name was given to the area that juan cabrillo explored?

Alta California

Who claimed California for Spain?

Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo.