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Q: What parts of a bee are involved in pollination?
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What parts or the plant are involved in pollination?

What parts of the plant are invovled with pollination?

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To what?

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Why is the bee important to agriculture?

Pollination! -for free!

Why is bee pollination the best method of pollination?

because its natural and other tools might hurt the process

How has the bee helped in the reproduction of the flowering plant?

they help in pollination

What are the possible pollination strategy of gumamela?

bee, wind, and butterflies

What is the transfer of pollen from an anther of one plant to the stigma of another plant called?

This transferring process is called pollination.

Where is the flower's pollination stored before pollination?

Before pollination, the pollen grains are stored in the anthers (male part) of the plant. During pollination, an insect (such as a bee) flies to the flower for nectar and some pollen from the anthers rubs off on it. When the bee travels to another flower, the pollen sticks to the stigma (female part). After pollination, fertilization can begin. Hope this helps.

Why is the bee important to ag?

For pollination (fertilisation) purposes. No fertilisation = No crop.

Why do we need bee's?

Apart from producing honey, we need bees for pollination.