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Q: What parts of the brain affect smooth muscle?
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A stoke is the rapidly developing loss of brain function due to disturbance in the blood supply to the brain.

What are the common parts of muscular system?

The common parts of the muscular system are the fibers, which are striated, the cardiac muscle, smooth muscle and skeletal muscle. There are also flexor muscles and extensors muscles, which aid in movement.

What type of muscle tires quickly during exercise smooth or skeletal?

Skeletal. Definitely. Skeletal Muscle moves bone whereas smooth muscle is found in organs and other parts of the body (stomach, veins, arteries, etc.)

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when in your blood stream, alcohol tends to numb your muscle functions which leads to failing of muscles. in your brain, parts of your brain shut down which lead to memory loss, falling, talking funny, and could leave you brain dead

How many smooth muscles are in the human body?

Smooth muscle tissue isn't divided into specific muscles like skeletal muscle tissue is, but these organs have smooth muscle in them: Stomach Small intestine Large intestine Iris (of the eye) Arrector pili (responsible for goosebumps) Ureters Bladder Parts of the esophagus Blood vessels Bronchi and bronchioles (the airways in the lungs) Uterus

What is a group of muscle cells called?

Muscle cells grouped together are called muscle tissue. The muscle cells contract and elongate to make the movement in the body parts. Muscle cells are found in several specialized forms such as Cardiac, skeletal or smooth muscles etc.Muscle cells grouped together are called muscle tissue. The muscle cells contract and elongate to make the movement in the body parts. Muscle cells are found in several specialized forms such as Cardiac, skeletal or smooth muscles etc.

What are mucles?

Muscle is a body parts in side of ous. There are three different types of muscle the Skeletal,Smooth and the Cardiac. The skeletal muscle is the muscle that you can see and feel its also a voluntary muscle that means you choose to move them. The Smooth is in your digustive system it helps you move along the food. The Cardiac is the muscle in your heart it has a job of pumping all the blood out from the heart.

What part of the brain coordinates muscle activity?

The primary motor cortex, located in the precentral gyrus, controls most voluntary muscle activity in the body. That said, there are many other parts of the brain involved in muscular coordination. The stimulus originates in the precentral gyrus, but the cerebellum also adds input to make movement smooth and to coordinate body position, the spinal cord and basic reflex are involved in telling the brain how much stretch is placed on the muscle, so as not to tear the muscle or cause injury, etc.

What type muscle is found in the hollow parts of the body?

Smooth muscles, which are also known as involuntary muscles.

How does alzheimers affect the respiratory system?

Strokes affect the cells in the brain. Since the brain controls all parts of the body, the area of the brain that controls your respiratory system can be damaged due to the rupture of an artery in the brain.

What parts of the brain does a zombie virus affect?

None because there is no such thing as "zombie".