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Q: What parts of the country do carpenter bees live in?
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Were do carpenter bees live?

Carpenter Bees live in wood

Can a carpenter bee sting?

Carpenter bees do have venom. The only thing that distinguishes them from other bees is their habit of boring holes in wood to live.

What insects likes wood as a place to live in?

There are many insects that are attracted to rotting wood. This includes termites, ladybugs, carpenter ants, and powder post beetles.

Where do killer bees live?

parts of America and Africa. (most commonly found in Texas)

Do blue banded bees live in Indonesia?

Yes they do but for a short period of time. And they live in other parts of India.

Where do bees live?

asdfasfdacascxIn all parts of the world except for the Arctic and Antarctic where it is too cold.

Do killer or Africanized bees live in Colorado?

While killer or Africanized bees are known to live in warmer climates of the United States, they have been found living in Colorado. these bees are most common in states such as Texas, Arizona, and some parts of California.

What animals live in a coccoon for parts of their lifetime?

caterpillars are commend so are bees before they are born they live in the hive cocoon

A place where bees live is a?

Honey bees live in a hive, bumble bees live in a nest.

Where bees live?

bees live in beehives

How long do bees live for?

A few weeks to a few years is the length of time that bees live. The answer may be different according to the species in question and to the apian function and gender since queens live longer than male drones and female workers. In terms of species, bumble, carpenter, digger and mason bees tend to sustain year-long lifespans, in contrast to the two- to five-year life expectancies of honeybee queens.

Do honey bees live in Mexico?

Yes honey bees live in Mexico