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Pepsin is a digestive protease released by the chief cells in the stomach that functions to degrade food proteins into peptides

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Q: What parts of the human body does pepsin come from?
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the parts of your body !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how come you DO NOT know?

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The term is human being, not bean. Humans (and all parts of a human) do not come from beans. Of any kind.

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It depends on how you divide the body up - there is not good answer to this question. You might try asking "how many parts are in the human skeleton" or "how many parts are in the human digestive system" instead.Body parts of a person can be subdivided into external and internal parts. External body of a human consists of head, neck, mainbody, upper and lower arm. Internal parts includes the skeletal system, digestive system, respiratory system, reproductory system, endocrine and exocrine system, circulatory system. Coordinated functioning of both external and internal parts of a body allows normal functioning of the body.

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What part of the human body does blood come from?

Kitot baho

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Where do different types of meat come from?

From different body parts of different animals

What are the four parts of the human mouth?

There are three main parts of the human jaw. It is the chin, the mandible and the maxilla that all come together to form what is the lower half of our jaw.

Who is the man who ate body parts?

Hannibal lecter is the first one to come to mind. In the serial killer category you will find information on serial killers who ate body parts.