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Q: What parts of the respiratory system and digestive system overlap?
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What systems interact with the respiratory ststem?

The respiratory system interacts most directly with the circulatory system in terms of function. Structurally, it shares some body parts with the digestive system.

Why do you call the respiratory and the digestive system asystem?

a system is a collection of parts that when working together produce the required results

How does the respiratory system deliver oxygen to different parts of the body?

The blood delivers Oxygen from the respiratory system to the digestive system and the other parts of the body as it travels around the body to give the air to go around us and breathe healthily

What are all the parts in the human body?

Body Part System Brain Nervous Spinal Chord Nervous Nerve Nervous Mouth Digestive And Respiratory Oral Cavity Digestive Pharynx Digestive And Respiratory Esophagus Digestive Stomach Digestive Lungs Respiratory Heart Cardiovascular Kidney Urinary(Sometimes Cardiovascular) Eyes Nervous Small and Large Intestines Digestive Appendix Digestive And Immune Liver Digestive Gall Bladder Digestive Rectum And Anus Digestive Skull Skeletal Ribs Skeletal Ureters Urinary Teeth Skeletal and Digestive Bladder And Urethra Urinary Muscles Muscular System Skeletal Muscles Skeletalvascular Whole Digestive System Smoothvascular Other Bones Skeletal Toungue Digestive And Muscular

Is your respiratory system an organ?

no, but the different parts of your respiratory system are such as your lungs being organs and part of your respiratory system.

What are the 3 major parts in the digestive system the stomach?

what are the 3 major parts of the digestive system the stomach?

How many parts does your digestive system have?

The digestive system has several different parts. Some of the associated parts in the system are the mouth, esophagus, stomach and intestines.

What are the eleven body systems?

skeletal. nervous. muscular. integument. cardiovascular. respiratory. urinary. lymphatite. digestive. reproductive. That's ten of them. (:

What are some parts in the digestive system?

some parts of the digestive system are the small and large intestine, liver, gallbladder, and stomach.

What body parts start with letter D?

duodenum (part of the intestine) · digestive system - converts food into fuel to give our body energy Duodenum, the first and shortest part of the small intestine. Diaphragm From Knowitall56 · digestive system · dimples your dome, in other words your head Deltoid, dens, Dowager's hump... Deltoid muscle, diaphragm, digestive system and dimples are human body parts.

What are the parts that make up cardiovascular system and the respiratory system?

The cardio-respiratory system consists of the cardio vascular system (heart and blood vessels) together with respiratory system (lungs and air ways).anything other than those are NOT component of the The cardio-respiratory system.

What is morphology of cockroach?

it is the study of external structure of cockroach and includes-head region,mouth region,parts of legs,aperture,digestive system,circulatory system,respiratory system,reproductive system and copulation,fertilisation,ootheca formation and development