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they enter through the nose, mouth, eyes, anywhere you touch.

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Q: What path does bacteria take when it enters the body?
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How are bacteria effect human body?

Bacteria take over part of the internal mechanisms 'machinery' of the cell to produce more bacteria. In the process this disrupts the normal functioning of the cells and can even (or often) lead the death of the cells either as part of the life cycle of the bacteria or because vital functions of the cell are not being performed.

Where is food physically broken down in the body?

Well ... it makes you healthy by supplying your body with vitamins and nutrients that are used for all sorts of internal procedures that take part in your body.

What are the 2 ways pathogenic bacteria affect a body?

There are actually three ways that bacteria can cause disease, although the first two are the most commonly cited. 1. Bacteria can cause disease directly by actually attacking and digesting human cells and tissues. 2. Bacteria can cause disease indirectly by producing harmful by-products that harm surrounding tissues. 3. Bacteria can cause disease indirectly by provoking an immune response. In order for this one to count, the immune response must result in the body's immune system destroying or damaging cells and tissue in its attempt to destroy the bacteria. Some bacteria are capable of damaging the body using all three of these mechanisms.

What does bacteria produce to make you sick?

Bacteria are living things that have only one cell. Under a microscope, they look like balls, rods, or spirals. They are so small that a line of 1,000 could fit across a pencil eraser. Most bacteria won't hurt you - less than 1 percent of the different types make people sick. Many are helpful. Some bacteria help to digest food, destroy disease-causing cells, and give the body needed vitamins. Bacteria are also used in making healthy foods like yogurt and cheese.But infectious bacteria can make you ill. They reproduce quickly in your body. Many give off chemicals called toxins, which can damage tissue and make you sick. Examples of bacteria that cause infections include Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, and E. coli.Antibiotics are the usual treatment. When you take antibiotics, follow the directions carefully. Each time you take antibiotics, you increase the chances that bacteria in your body will learn to resist them causing antibiotic resistance. Later, you could get or spread an infection that those antibiotics cannot cure.

How much time does it take bacteria to grow?

bacteria doesn't grow technically t just expands and mutiplies

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It enters however you take the drug. But once it is in your body, it bonds to fats and can stay in the system for months.

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when air enters the body through the drips we take it may lead to many health problems.

What is residential bacteria?

the ones that take up residence in the body

What does penicillin do when people are injected with it?

It does the same as when you take it by mouth. It kills bacteria in the body.

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Presumably, the current follows a path (a circuit) to do whatever it was "made" to do. If water, for instance, enters the circuit, a shorter path may develop, and the current will (partially) take the short circuit. Or a wire could become lose and short circuit the intended path.

Can you take antihistamine while fasting for Ramadan?

Anything that enters the human body while you are fasting breaks your fast.

How does calcuim enter human bodies?

Calcium enters the body via the food we eat, things we drink or supplements we take.

Why don't you become ill the moment a virus enters your body?

You don't become ill the moment a virus enters your body because your body has not yet mounted a defense against the virus.

Can prevent some bacteria disease by helping the body to learn to recognize certain harmful bacteria?

Vaccines are great for this. Some vaccines distribute inactive bacteria into your body so that your white blood cells can learn to recognize them. This prevents you from getting whatever disease the bacteria cause. Sometimes, however, it is not safe to introduce bacteria to the body like that. In situations like that, I think it would be best to take antibiotics.

What path does blood take after being pumped from the heart to the body cells?

up your butt and around the corner

Why does it take a few hours before a person feels ill?

It takes a few hours before a person feels ill because the amount of bacteria in your body needs to increase. When there is a huge amount of bacteria in your body, you fall ill very quickly.If you have just eaten something that is not good, there isn't a huge amount of bacteria in your body (the bacteria have not replicated), as they have just entered.

How do you protect your body from bacteria?

Our skin is an excellent barrier against bacteria. However to keep skin healthy and maintain its protective function ii is essential that we take care of it. Taking shower every day with antibacterial soap is the best way to protect your body from bacteria.