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Q: What pecent of people like gymnastics more than cheer-leading?
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Related questions

Is gymnastics like cheerleading?

the tumbling and flexibility is.

What is the difference between cheerleading and gymnastics?

Cheerleading is performed with a team, gymnastics is a solo sport Cheerleaders stunt Gymnasts have a higher level of tumbling Gymnastics has four apparatuses Cheerleading is more like tumbling. Gymnastics does bars,beams,vaults,and flexibilty. Tumbling is doing backflips,cartwheels,or other stuff on the floor which cheerleading is exactly like.

What is Shakira's favorite sport?

belly dancing,gymnastics,Cheerleading,she would like to play soccer.

Is gymnastics better than cheerleading?

It's all up your personal opinion. My opinion basketball is way better because cheerleading way too girly for me (I'm a tomboy, hate girly stuff...eew...) Basketball there is a lot more action and running around. You need to have good strength, power and good shots for the ball to get into the hoop. It's epic. But if you prefer cheerleading, then that's fine because it's up to you. My sister prefers cheerleading because you need to be flexible and you need to be able to fly and flip your body around in the air while you rely on other girls to try and catch you. It's like their your safety net. So if you think you can manage all of that then cheerleading is for you. But if not, basketball. YOUR OPINION OK IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK..

Do people like cheerleading?


Do more people like cheerleading or womens beach volleyball?


How did society react to cheerleading?

some people that don't like cheerleading think that its not a sport and that if guys do it then they are gay. but if people like cheer then they think that it is a sport

Do everbody like gymnastics in school?

yes alot of people think gymnastics is cool

What are some girl sports?

Cheerleading Softball Volleyball Tennis Gymnastics Calisthenics Swimming Dancing - I personally like hip hop/funk dance -Hope this helps (:

How many people in the US like gymnastics?

About 1million

What year was the toe touch invent?

You cant invent a toe touch. Its like inventing how to walk. Read a book. Cheerleading was inspired by gymnastics. So gee... it looks a lot like a straddle jump doesn't it??

What is miley's activities?

miley's activities are of course singing and acting. She is very sucessful in both. Also Miley does/did gymnastics and cheerleading. She is also very good and skillfull in gymnastics and cheerleading. Miley also does things like charities and organizations and visits sick children at hospitals. Miley also goes to church and is trying to finish reading the whole bible from start to finish. Miley Cyrus is SO AWESOME!