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Q: What peculiar behavior is found only in storks and American vultures?
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Is an American vultures are now classified with storks instead of with African vultures because of evidence based on body structures?

Recent evidence shows that New World vultures, like the California Condor, Andean condor, king vulture, turkey vulture, and black vultures do indeed show genetic markers more similar to storks than Old World Vulture species.

Give an example in which DNA comparisons showed a surprising relationship among particular kinds of organisms?

American and African vultures were once thought to be closely related, but DNAcomparisons showed that American vultures are more closely related to storks.

Vultures are related to what species?

Probably the eagles and hawks, the new world vultures are kinda of related to storks. How they sit up.

What is the collective for stork?

Storks. A flock of storks. A delivery of storks (as in, the storks delivered the babies).

What type of animals live in Singapore?

There are squirrels, storks, cranes, flamingos, black swans, eagles, vultures, pythons, deer, wild pigs, wild cats, dholes, monkeys, and crocodiles in singapore.

What are three different scavenger that live in the Savannah?

Once a lion kill it's prey, it will feed on the body for for a week or more. When the lion is done, the scavengers come in. These include vultures, hyenas, and marabou storks.

Are there storks in Omaha?

yes in west omaha there are storks

Are there purple storks in Portugal?

There are Purple storks in Portugal!

Do storks live in Scotland?

Storks are not native to Scotland.

What is a group storks called?

A group of storks is often called a 'muster'.

What are young storks called?

Young storks CHICKS

When was Return of the Storks created?

Return of the Storks was created in 2007.