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Many people relate to Macbeth's ambition, inner conflict, and the moral dilemmas he faces throughout the play. His tragic downfall due to unchecked ambition and the consequences of his actions resonate with those who have experienced similar struggles with power and morality. Additionally, Macbeth's relationship with Lady Macbeth and the themes of guilt and supernatural forces also strike a chord with many audiences.

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In Shakespeare's play "Macbeth," the idea that people should be killed originates primarily from Lady Macbeth. She is the one who convinces Macbeth to kill King Duncan in order to fulfill the witches' prophecy and secure his place as king.

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The difference is that Lady Macbeth at first wanted Macbeth to kill Banquo and Macbeth was too scared to do it. Later on in the tragedy, Lady Macbeth gets haunted and gets mentally ill and Macbeth keeps on killing people.

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What two people did Macbeth instruct the murders to kill?

Macbeth instructed the murderers to kill Banquo and his son Fleance.

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Malcolm and Donalbain. Later, people start to suspect Macbeth.

Why was the poem Macbeth important?

The play "Macbeth" by William Shakespeare is important because it delves into themes such as ambition, power, and the consequences of unchecked ambition. The character of Macbeth himself undergoes a complex transformation that explores the darker aspects of human nature. The play's enduring relevance lies in its exploration of these timeless themes and its examination of the human psyche.

What is used to interact and relate to people?

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