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Q: What percent does water makes up in of most organism?
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Are almost all living organisms 70 percent water?

yes, the average organism is 70% water yes, the average organism is 70 percent water

Water makes up about what percentage of most organisms?

70% water makes up most of an organism

Most organism on your planet live where?

in water

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water makes up most of the bodies water

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What words make up the up the scientific name of an organism?

The genus and species of the organism makes up the scientific name, but most of the time the genus and species are in latin;which makes it hard to pronounce.

Select the organism that is most likely to compete with a wildflower for water?

A Scrub

Which organism is most likely to compete with oak tree for water?

An owl

How much water is in a fruit?

Most fruits have nearly 80 percent of water depending on the fruit. For example, watermelon has 92 percent of water and oranges have up to 85 percent of water.

What is the most significant challenge for organism that live estuaries?

changing in Water Salinity.