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One third.

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Q: What percent of Vermont total energy production comes from Vermont Yankee?
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What percent of U.S. energy from nuclear?

20 percent of electricity production

How much of the US's current energy production comes from nuclear energy?

For electricity production, just under 20 percent

What percent of the United States' energy is from geothermal?

Geothermal electricity production in the US was 0.30 percent in 2006

What percentage of our energy is coal?

In electricity production, it is just under 50 percent

What is the total percent of geothermal energy?

In the US for 2006 electricity production, geothermal produced 0.30 percent. I do not have world figures

What is the main source of energy for the production of electricity in the US?

Coal - about 50 percent of total

When was Vermont Energy Investment Corporation created?

Vermont Energy Investment Corporation was created in 1986.

Where does Vermont get its energy from?

Vermont has wind, solar, and water power for natural resources for energy, as well as a few others.

How do organisms other than plants benefit from the production of glucose by autotrophs?

Organisms other than plants, such as animals, benefit from the production of glucose by autotrophs. Animals obtain 10 percent of the energy that comes from plants, and humans who consume animals will receive 10 percent of the animal's energy.

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From 1990 to 2000, the world's most developing economies cut the greenhouse gases emissions from energy production by about 55 percent.

How many square feet of solar panel is needed to replace the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant?

A lot! The US Energy Information Administration says that the Vermont Yankee has a capacity of 620 megawatts during the summer. To generate 5 megawatts of solar power requires a solar farm about 30-35 acres large. Since 620 divided by 5 is 124, you would need 124 x 30 acres of solar plants. That comes to a total of 3,720 acres! One acre is 43,560 square feet. This means that it would require 162,043,200 square feet of solar farm to replace the facility which takes up less than one acre. And that's based on the low estimate. If you are looking for alternatives to the Vermont Yankee, I suggest you look elsewhere, because solar won't do it in Vermont.

What are mitochondria the site of?

Chemical energy production in the form of ATP