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Q: What percent of endangered animals have been abused?
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Related questions

How many animals in Arkansas have been abused?

42,000 animals have been abused because of the pope

How are the different ways animals are abused?

Most animals of the canine family are used for fighting, protecting proptery and sometimes for animal testing. The equine family has been abused for work, events, and for breeding. Those are just two of the many ways animals are abused.

How many animals have been abused by their owners?

Unfortunately possibly hundreds of thousands.

How long has chimpanzees been exstinct?

They are not extinct yet, but they are endangered animals

When did endangered animals become endangered?

Animals become endangered at different times, and for different reasons. Some animals that were endangered in the past have already become extinct, for example the dodo. There are some animals that have become extinct in the wild, but that are still found in captivity. And then there are animals that have only recently been classified as endangered. To answer your question properly, you'll need to let us know what animal you are specifically referring to.

Where are animals sent after they have been abused?

After an animal has been abused the animal may be kept in the same living conditions and continue to get abused, the animal may also be abandoned, or it may be rescued by a humane socity like the A.S.P.C.A. Many animals may even be killed by the person that abused them. Hopefully the animal will be rescued by a humane socity and be adopted out into a new and nicer family.

What percent of animals have been abused in USA?

Although it is what my question is no one really knows how much because somewhere in the world animal abuse is happening so its hard to make it into a percent.

What percent of the world's animals have been discovered?

like 50% of these animals

How do abused dogs behave?

it depends on the dog and how much it has been abused... a dog that has only lived to be treated badly may be meek and shy, or it may be rather vicious or wildly unpredictable. Some abused animals have been known to attack humans or other animals. If a dog has been bullied its whole life it may react badly to humans until it is shown the respect it deserves

When was the african tiger endangered?

There has never been an African tiger. Tigers are Asian animals.

Why are endangered animals becoming extinct?

because humans are destroying their ecosystems and the animals are eating stuff that has been tainted by our chemicals.

How many animals are abuse in 2009?

About 1,000 Anmials like cats and dogs there have been alot abused.