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โˆ™ 12y ago


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Q: What percent of high school students drive to school?
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What percent of students in Catholic high school graduate?

95 % graduate from catholic high school.

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What percent of high school students smoke marijuana?

15.6 percent

What is the high school graduation rate for Afghanistan?

Fifteen percent (15%) of students in Afghanistan finish high school.

What percent were in the other forms if 180 students were in first form and the total of students in the whole high school were 480?

the answer is 375 percent

What is the percent of high school drop outs in America?

30% of students drop out. 30% of students drop out.

Whats the percent of students who graduate high school in 3 years?


What percent of students drop out of Valley High School?

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What percentage of Americans graduated high school?

Today only 71 percent of American students graduate high school on time, a figure that drops to 55 percent for African-American students and 58 percent for Hispanic students. Figures from The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

What percent of high school students are not involved in a school sport?

A statistically sound answer to this question is impossibly to obtain.

There are 720 students at Rosedale High School 15 percent of them are in the senior class and of the seniors are females what is true based on this information?

There are 36 female students at Rosedale High School who are seniors.

What percent of students who enter high school end up graguating?

42 pecent