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Q: What percent of income must a man pay for one child?
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What is the average income for a man in Ohio?

The average income for a man in Ohio is around $55,000 per year. This can vary based on factors such as education level, occupation, and the region within Ohio.

If you marry a man paying child support will your income be effected?

At the moment in the US, Child Support is about $56 a week. YOUR income will not be effected, only his.

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A man pays 20 percent of his income tax his weekly tax income is 100 dollars what is his total weekly income?

If a man earns $100 per week, all of which is taxable, and he pays Income Tax at the rate of 20%, then his total weekly income, after tax, would be $80.

The difference between the list of all direct expenses and direct income?

Additional detail: Direct income is the income u earn from what you're in business to do or any services performed, eg a salaried individual's direct income is thesalary which come at the end of each month.Indirect income may be coming from your investments youhave on Equity or bank deposits or any other source, thiskind of income can be fixed or variable.another example would be a man works on an assembly line trading labor for money. The man’s child is fed and clothed by usage of this income. The man has direct income; the child has indirect income.

You married a man that has a child and do you paid child support too?

No, but under limited conditions, 20% of your income can be use in the calculations. see Dads House for info.

Does a 63 years old totally disabled man with 600.00 ssi pay child support?

Possibly, yes. SS disability income may be garnished for child support. Supplementary security income alone may not be garnished.

How do courts determine how much support a man pays for another child by a different woman for support?

The family with the older child[ren] gets the full percentage of net income. The family with the younger child[ren] gets a percentage of net income after subtracting payments ordered and being made to the older child[ren].

If you marry a man who is currently paying child support and his new wifes income increases his financial statis can the ex petition to have child support increased due to the new wifes income.?

Yes, within limitations of the state law. see link

Is it legal for a judge in pinellas Florida to order child support for a child that is not biological a man child?

Assuming you mean, "not the man's biological child," - the judge must first determine that the man is the child's father by, e.g., marriage to the mother at time of conception/birth, adoption, DNA testing, acknowledgment of paternity, etc.

Does wage garnishment affect child support amount?

No - there must be an order for support entered by a court or the State's child support agency, but if a retroactive order is issued, your wages will be garnished. There has been a problem with employers receiving phony claims for child support garnishment in recent months. By the time the man confirms there is no claim and notifies employer, the money is already gone. If you have a child, you need to establish an order. see links

If a man gets married is his spouse responsible for his child support?

No, but 20% of your income can be used in calculations. see link