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Over 90% are educational in the sense that they teach kids something (how to make friends, be a good person, how to be responsible, etc). As for educational in the sense that they are learning things they would in school, such as math and reading? Many shows try to slip math skills into their programs at some point, but overall it is less than 10%

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Your question is not specific enough. The percentage of children world-wide? In a certain country? In a specific city? and what age range & which Cartoons? Cartoons from the 1980s, the 1990s, every cartoon that was ever created? There is not enough statistical data to determine how many children just... in general, watch cartoons.

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Q: What percent of children watch cartoons?
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What percent of all children watch the Simpsons?

The percentage of all children that watch The Simpsons is incalculable.

Is it dumb to ask the same questions over and over again?

Yes very much so as you know first hand considering these are the other questions you've posted... "Is it a horrible thing if any 18 year olds watch only cartoons" "Is it bad if any 18 year old watches only cartoons" "Is it wrong for 19 year olds to watch only cartoons" "Is it an abnormal thing if 18 year olds watch only cartoons" "Will a girl love a man if he's 21 and over and watches only cartoons" "Is it wrong to watch only cartoons as an 18 year old" "Is it dumb for 18 year olds to watch only cartoons" "Is it abnormal for adults over 18 to watch ONLY cartoons" "Is it retarded if 21 year olds watch only cartoons" "Is it wrong for 21 year olds to watch only cartoons" "Is it stupid if an 18 year old watches only cartoons" "Is it dumb for 21 year olds to watch only cartoons" "Is it a dumb thing if a 21 year old watches only cartoons" "Is it dumb if a 19 year old watches only cartoons" "Is it wrong for a 19 year old to watch only cartoons" "Is it weird for 19 year olds to watch only cartoons" "Why is it weird that 18 year olds watch only cartoons" "Is it bad for 19 year olds to watch only cartoons" "Why is it the wrong thing for 18 year olds to watch only cartoons" "Why are 18 year olds criticized by society for watching only cartoons" "Why is it bad for 18 year old guys to watch only cartoons" "Is it a bad thing for a 16 year old to watch only cartoons" "Is it bad for 19 year olds to watch only cartoons" "Why is society criticizing 18 year olds for watching only cartoons" "Why are 18 year olds criticized by society for watching only cartoons" "Is it bad for a 21 year old to watch only cartoons" "Is it bad to watch only cartoons as a 21 year old" "Is It Bad To Like Watching Only Cartoons At 21" "Is it good to watch only cartoons" "Is it horrifying if an 18 year old guy watches only cartoons" "Is it wrong to watch only cartoons as an 18 year old guy" "Is it a bad thing if you're over 18 years old and watch only cartoons" "Is it bad to watch only cartoons if you're over 18 years old" "Is it good or bad to watch only cartoons as an 18 year old" "Is it bad to watch only cartoons" "Is it bad to watch only cartoons if you're over 18" & "Why is it that teenagers lose interest in watching cartoons"

Are adults too old to watch kids cartoons?

no if they have children that watch that kind of cartoons then no. not at all if they think of of the memerioes then no. but no today cartoons are awful i don't think the kids would not know what cartoons use to be.

When people say that people watch too much cartoons do they mean watching only cartoons?

yes it means you watch to many of them

Where to watch foghorn leghorn and Bugs Bunny cartoons online?

Try YouTube which has some , but not all , of these cartoons .

Related questions

What are the differences between children who watch cartoons and adults who watch cartoons?

No difference except one is mature.

What is cartoons made for?

They are made for entertainment and younger children usually watch cartoons.

Why do people think badly of you if you are an adult watching cartoons everyday?

Because it is considered immature for an adult to watch what children watch. It isn't the rite age to watch cartoons.

Why do teenagers and adults barely watch cartoons everyday?

because the cartoons are meant for little kids or children.

Why do people get the idea that only children watch cartoons?

because older people are jelous and have no time to watch carttons with their children, and think that children watch cartoons because have a lot of time and to keep them quiet and not doing anything...but some adults think that cartoons are stupid, and only kids watch them because kids are not that "smart"as adults, but i disagree with that because not all of the cartoons are stupid..and besides, everyone watches cartoons,nomater what age the person is..if you ask someone "do you watch cartoons" and they make a face like "what the heck?" and answer you"no,i don't whacth cartoons" because they try to be mature - trust me, they lie...everyone watches cartoons and everyone likes them as well...

Why do adults watch cartoons with their children and not by themselves?

Adults enjoy their children's enjoyment of cartoons. There do exist cartoons made specifically for adults. "Family Guy" is probably the best example. In any event, adults and children do not have the same taste in cartoons.

Is it strange for an adult to watch cartoons everyday?

Many adults who have children watch cartoons with their children as a social activity (although it is not that active, as activities go). Some adults do retain a lifelong love of cartoons. There are far stranger interests than that.

Why is it that most people in their teens and 20s don't watch cartoons anymore?

The general stereotype is that cartoons are for children, maybe because they think they're too old for cartoons and it's embarassing to watch them.

Why do adults only watch cartoons with their children?

They don't. There are MANY cartoons for adults (though most of them tend to be animes).

Where can one view cartoons for children?

One can view cartoons for children on various websites like YouTube and BBC. One can also watch children shows on television, which can be viewed for free.

Why do adults watch cartoons with their kids and not by themselves?

They want to spend time with there children.

Why children under 2 shouldn't watch TV?

Research has shown that violence on TV teaches a child to react in violent ways. Children were shown violent cartoons and a set of children weren’t shown violent cartoons. The behavior on the playground of children watching violent cartoons were more violent with other children compared to the set of children who didn’t watch violent cartoons. The violence in TV, movies, games, and video breaks down the psychological barriers of hurting others.