

What percent of kids want less homework?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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10y ago

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There are no scientific studies, so no figures can be quoted

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Q: What percent of kids want less homework?
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Why do kids get stressted over homework?

36% percent of kids get stressed about homework. if you want more info, go to it has alot of facts about kids having stress over homework and other things.

What percent of parents do their child's homework?

Too many - children are supposed to do their own homework to help them learn, but there are parents who want to help their kids get better grades so they will do the homework for them. In the long run, however, these parents are selling their children short by not allowing them to learn on their own.

Why won't kids do homework?

Because homework is boring to kids and they want to go play video games and get outside (hopefully!). And because sometimes kids don't understand it and don't have time for it:-)

Why is hateing Homework such a wonderful thing?

Because it tears families apart. When there is homework kids are tired from school and dont want to do it and their moms want them to do it. It will eventually lead to yelling and screaming. I hope you can now understand why homework is so bad.

Should kids be allowed to ditch homework?

Of course you're allowed - you can fail any time you want to!

Should you destroy homework?

Only if you want a failing grade. Once the homework is graded, you can destroy it, but some kids save it to study for the next test before they throw it out.

What is the percentage of kids complaining about homework?

I suspect there's no official statistic for this, but you'd have to put it somewhere around 99% given that no child should really want to do homework.

What is a good sentence with annoyance and avoidance in it?

It is an annoyance that so many kids want me to do their homework, and it has resulted in my avoidance of this category.

Do parents want homework or not?

Yes the want you to do your homework.

Why kids should have more homework?

Kids should have more homework because you can get smarter and smarter, and get more education. More education means better jobs and more money. Homework also teaches you responsibility and improves your self esteem if you actually do the work.

Do kids choose video games over homework?

Most kids would choose to play video games, instead of homework.

Do all kids nap in pjs?

NO, only some do. It depends on the mood and if they are hungry or if they want to do their homework first. Hope this helps! PJSistersSS