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Q: What percent of men sit to pee?
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How do you pee with a prince albert?

For men that have Prince Albert piercings, there are two way to pee with the piercing. Some men will still prefer to stand and pee with the piercings. However, doing this you will have to be careful with some pee dribling down the piercing. Some men that have gotten the piercing prefer to sit down and pee. Which way you do it is up to you.

How do people pee in a sink?

People do this, mostly men, but it is considered inappropriate in terms of behavior and manners (as well as consideration of others). - actually this is how you do it for men you just typically pee in it and wash it out but women sit on it pee then wipe put tissue in the loo and wash out!

What do women pee with?

we pee out of the urethra, but we sit down we can also pee standing up, but most people sit down

How do men pee like women?

Women pee sat down because they don't have a penis to direct the urine. If you want to pee like a woman just sit down, you technically won't be peeing like a woman because the physiology is completely different

Were do girls pee and how it work?

o you no, the usual... we just sit on a toilet and pee, nufin much.

How do female pee?

Female pee by sitting on there butts and go no other ways

How do really fat men pee?

they pee out of their bellie buttons.

Is water 5 percent pee?

No it is not.

Can woman and men pee together at the same time?

Yes, because the man has to pee like he usually does and women pee sitting down but like a boy, you have to stand up and aim you vagina properly to make the pee go into the toilet or else the pee is gonna be all over the floor!

Can men sit?

As contrary to popular belief, all men can sit.

How do you achive a antique stain?

Pee on it, then let it sit for 50 years or more.

How do men pee sitting?

yes, women can learn to pee standing up with no devices. or by using a device such as gogirl, freshette, p-mate, and many others. once you start to stand to pee you will never want to go back to sitting. and no exposure what so ever