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Q: What percent of our nations energy comes from of fuel cells?
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Does 68 percent of eletrical energy in the united States produced by nuclear fuel?

No. Only about 20% of the nations energy comes from nuclear fission.

Do vitamins supply energy to cells?

no, they don't. the energy for the cells comes from the ATP.

What percent of the US's energy currently comes from Solar Energy?

For electricity only, 0.1 percent (2006).

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What percent of the world's energy comes from wind energy?

60% of the worlds energy is wind energy.

Why do cells need to use transport?

This energy comes from the molecule ATP,which stores energy in a form that cells can use

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Cells convert the energy from gluecose into?

Glucose is also converted to energy in muscle cells. When it comes to producing energy from glucose, muscle cells are, well, double-jointed

What percentage of our energy comes from the burning of coal?

We usually think out of 100 percent when we think percent, but out of 150 percent 32% comes from burning coal.

Which country in the world is least dependent on petroleum products for it's energy requirements?

Amonst the developed nations and for electricity production, it is probably France where 80 percent comes from nuclear plants.

What is the energy in cells?

thee energy comes from the mitocondria. anotber name for energy iis ATP.

Why do cells need to use active transport?

This energy comes from the molecule ATP,which stores energy in a form that cells can use