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Q: What percent of people in Brazil favelas make money?
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How much Brazil money worth in USA?

55.5 percent of the Brazil money is the value of US dollars

Why wouldn't the government help the favelas?

to save their money

Do most people in Brazil have money or do they live in poverty?

some people in Brazil are poor

What jobs are in the favelas?

There are many jobs that people in the favelas do: - factory workers - polishing shoes - washing cars at traffic lights (and hoping to be paid!) - construction workers - bus drivers - restaurant workers

Reasons why people move to favelas?

People moved to favelas mainly because of the money charges they could avoid. They could avoid heavy taxes as they had not much land to themselves. It was a also a means of safety, as most people did not go to the favelas as they thought it would be disgraceful to lower themselves to the standards of the poor peasants. So there were many reasons why people moved to favelas. check wikipedia for more info, it's really good!

Why do people build favelas?

The reason that there has been a growth in favelas is because more people are looking for better pay jobs or don't have any jobs and are trying to improve their quality of life. They have high hopes for when they come onto the city but then they realise that jobs are very hard to find and that the housing is too expensive for them to afford. As they don't have enough money they have no choice but to build their own home.

Is the money in Brazil evenly spread out evenly between the people who live there?

Between the poor people Yes

How else do people earn money in Brazil?

by selling food at markets and other places

What do Brazil people hunt now these days?

Th same in the rest of the world money

Does most of the money in Brazil go to the rich or poor people?

Probably to the rich people. If the poor people had a lot of money, then they wouldn't be poor. Chances are, the combined money of all the poor is less than the money of just a few wealthy people.

Why is Brazil protesting?

There have been protests in Brazil in recent years due to the amount of money being spent by the government on the 2014 World Cup and 2016 Olympics, while there is great needs of the people for that money.

What is their money Called in Brazil?

its called Brazil Dollars