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atleast 40 percent

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Q: What percent of people in the world get their drinking water from glacier meltwater?
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What is the significance of a melting glacier?

I can think of three different answers to your question.MeltwaterMany cities depend on meltwater from glaciers to provide clean drinking water.SummerGlaciers melt and retreat every summer.Climate ChangeMany glaciers are now melting faster in the summer than are being rebuilt by snowfall in the winter. If trends continue, than many glaciers will disappear completely which will remove the source of meltwater for people to use.

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How many people have died drinking the yellow river?

10 percent of people died

Why cant you use glaciers for fresh waters?

Glacier water runoff contributes to our freshwater rivers and streams. Native American people used, and in some places current towns, cities and states use this glacial river water to produce clean drinking water for city populations. (Or bottle it and sell it as "Pure Glacier Drinking Water"!

How many people visit arctic every year?

Since 1988, about two million people visit Glacier NP each year.

Do a glacier harms people?


How many people die each year from drinking too much water?

10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, includin' you and yo mom

What percent of people drink in the US?

Around 70-80% of adults in the US report consuming alcohol at least occasionally, but the percentage varies by age group and other demographic factors.

How many people have had a drink before 21?

Many people have had a drink before the legal drinking age of 21, but exact numbers can vary. Factors such as culture, peer pressure, and availability of alcohol can influence underage drinking behaviors.

What percentage of water is ice caps and glaciers?

All the great rivers of Asia are fed by glacial melt and about 40% of the world relies on these rivers for drinking and other uses.

What percent of people that start drinking before age 14 become alcoholics?

Research suggests that individuals who start drinking before age 14 are at a higher risk of developing alcohol use disorder/alcoholism. However, the exact percentage varies across studies but generally falls between 40-60%.

About how many people a year go to glacier national park?

Glacier National Park had approximately 3,000,000 visitors in 2016 per the U.S. National Park Service.