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There is no definitive data on the percentage of people in the world who have a foot fetish, as sexual preferences and fetishes vary widely among individuals. It is considered a relatively common fetish, but exact prevalence rates are difficult to determine.

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Q: What percent of people in the world have a feet fetish?
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What is a fetish for feet called?

A foot fetish.

Is it weird that I have a high interest for my Hot Girl Spanish teacher's feet and red painted toes?

Actually, it isn't. Many people in the world (Including Elvis Presley) have what people call Foot Fetish. Foot fetish is basically when someone takes interest, or is turned on in anyway, by people's feet. Don't worry, it;s not unusual and many people have it.

Why do people have a foot fetish?

Because they love seeing a sexy girl's feet.

Why do people lick other people's feet?

People lick other people's feet because they have something called a Foot Fetish. It is a sexual desire to lick, smell, tickle, or touch feet. There is nothing weird about it because people are born with it, and it is a natural thing. I have a foot fetish, and it's kind of hard to explain.

Why do people like to lick and suck to girls feet?

This is called a fetish. It is sexually exciting to the people who are doing this.

If you like to look at feet do you have a fetish?

go to google and search for: Foot Fetish Toys Europe

How do lesbian or other guirls develop a love for other girls feet?

Foot fetishes are just like any other fetish. Not all lesbians have a foot fetish just like not all straight people have a foot fetish.

What does it mean if you like to stare at pictures of women feet?

Feeling an urge and desire to stare at women feet is known as a foot fetish. It is not entirely uncommon. Many people who have a foot fetish use it sexually to appease their desires or fantasies.

Why people like to lick male feet?

Licking Feet is an Fetish (aka paraphilia) which can happen to anyone. Generally, an Fetish can happen to any Gender (lesbian foot licker, gay foot licker, bi-sexual Foot licker etc.). To lick Male feet also is Bi-Sexual Foot fetish or Gay foot fetish. Well, there also women where lick mens feet, it´s also an symbol for respect and domination. Google Foot fetishism.

Why do boys like the smell of girl's feet?

There is a thing called a foot fetish,which is very common especially in male's. I don't have a foot fetish,and I know i'm not missing out on anything. A foot fetish is a sexual attraction to the feet. Usually the feet of a female. Girl's think of foot fetish boy's as "Creep's" or "Weirdo's" and I agree with them. Some has a fetish,and some have disgust. Which I have disgust.

Why do some children have foot fetish's?

Because having a foot fetish for female feet is the most normal fetish in the world and it's very safe. Girls feet are beautiful so why wouldn't someone including a child be attracted to girls cute little stinky cheesy's? FYI. Most foot fetishes start at 3 or 4.

How do you know if some one has a feet fetish?

they will rub your feet during sex